TM 5-4310-227-15
3-18. Engine Stops Suddenly
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Crankcase oil level low ____ Fill to proper level (para
Fuel tank empty __________ Fill the fuel tank with the
proper grade of fuel
Airflow restricted _______Provide adequate ventila-
tion. Clean the cooling
Carburetor defective ______Replace carburetor
Fuel mixture too lean _____Adjust the carburetor
Fuel tank cap air vent hole
plugged ______________Remove the restriction.
Air cleaner clogged ______Service air cleaner (para
Fuel of poor grade ________ Drain fuel tank (para 3-
3-19. Compressor Pumps Too Slowly
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Air cleaner clogged _______ Service the air cleaner
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Fuel contains dirt or water _Drain fuel tank (para 3-6)
and replenish fuel supply
Oil level low ____________Measure oil level in crank-
case and f ill according
to lubrication order.
Fuel mixture too lean ______Adjust the carburetor
3-20. Compressor Overheats
Intake valve sticking ______ Remove spark plug and
Probable cause
Possible remedy
pour a small amount of
Ventilation inadequate ____Provide adequate ventila-
penetrating oil into the
tion around the unit.
engine block to loosen
Cylinder fins dirty _________Clean the cylinder fins.
the valve.
Intercooler and aftercooler
Spark plug too hot _______Install spark plug with
tubes dirty _____________ Clean the intercooler and
after cooler tubes with
brush and compressed
Oil level low _____________Add oil to the crankcase
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Fuel strainer-to-carburetor
tube restricted _________Remove restriction or
Air cleaner dirty _________Service the air cleaner
Intake or exhaust valves
Fuel mixture too lean __ ___Adjust carburetor (para
faulty ________________Clean or replace the valves
Ignition poor ___________Service or replace spark
3-21. Compressor Fails To
Build Up
just the magneto con-
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Air cleaner restricted _____Service air cleaner (para
Air cleaner clogged ______ Service the air cleaner
Intake and exhaust valves
Exhaust restricted ________Remove and clean the
defective ______________Clean or replace the valve
Governor controls out-of-
adjustment ___________ Adjust the governor link-
Leaks in air lines and
fittings _______________Tighten the connections.