TM 5-4310-227-15
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Ignition cable loose or de-
This section provides information useful in
fective _______________Tighten or replace ignition
diagnosing and correcting unsatisfactory oper-
Magneto contact set out-
of-adjustment or defec-
trouble. The possible remedy recommended is
tive _________________Adjust contact set (para
f o l l o w e d by a list of probable causes of the
3-46). Report defective
trouble. The possible remedy recommended is
contact set to the proper
described opposite the probable cause. Any op-
Valve clearance incorrect __ Adjust the valve clearance
erational trouble that is beyond the scope of
t h e operator or organizational maintenance
Carburetor out-of -adjust-
m u s t be reported to direct support mainte-
ment or defective _______Adjust or replace the
3-11. Engine is
Hard To
Start or
Fails to
Choke partially closed _____ Open choke fully.
Airflow restriction _________Service air cleaner (para
Probable cause
Possible remedy
Ground switch pushbutton
in grounded position ____Pull out on pushbutton
Governor linkage out-of -ad-
justment _______________Adjust the governor link-
Fuel shutoff valve closed ___Open fuel shutoff valve.
Unloader assembly out-of -
Fuel mixture improper ____ Adjust the carburetor
adjustment or defective,
and is overloading en-
fuel supply with correct
gine __________________Ad just or replace unloader
grade of fuel. (Refer to
Fuel contains water _____Drain fuel tank (para
Carburetor clogged _________Replace carburetor (para
Cylinder flooded ----------Close the high speed ad-
justment valve, open
Possible remedy
Probable cause
governor control, and
crank engine until ex-
36) and replenish fuel
cess fuel is removed.
Spark plug dirty or dam-
Oil level low ____________Fill to proper oil level
aged ______________Clean, adjust, or replace
Engine under heavy load
Magneto contact set defec- Adjust the contact set
at low speed ____________Open the governor control.
Ignition timing advanced
defective contact set to
the proper authority.
Magneto defective _________ Replace magneto (para
3-14. Engine
Exhaust Smoke Excessive
Ignition cable defective ____Replace the ignition cable
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Carburetor out-of-adjust-
ment or defective _______Adjust or replace the car-
3-12. Engine Misses or
Runs Erratically
Air cleaner dirty __________ Service air cleaner (para
Possible remedy
Probable cause
Spark plug dirty or dam-
aged - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clean, adjust, or replace