TM 5-4310-227-15
an electric starter and generator. The engine
utilizes a plunger type oil pump, centrifugal
crankshaft (16) by turning the starting pulley
flyball type governor, and magneto ignition.
assembly clockwise onto the crankshaft.
f. Installation (Model BMW-452-ENG).
Refer to TM 5-2805-203-14 for data applica-
(1) Install the starting pulley assembly
ble to model OEG-458-ENG-3.
(29) on the engine crankshaft (16)
3-64. Starting Pulley Assembly
by turning the starting pulley assem-
a. Removal (OEG-458-ENG-1 and OEG-
bly clockwise onto the crankshaft.
458-ENG-2). Remove the starting pulley as-
(2) Tighten setscrew that secures starting
sembly (29, fig. 2-7 ) from the engine crank-
pulley assembly (29) to the engine
shaft (16) by turning the starting pulley as-
crankshaft (16).
sembly counterclockwise off the crankshaft.
(3) Install generator drive belt (para 3-
b. Removal (Model BMW-452-ENG).
g. Installation (Model BMW-452-ENG-1).
(1) Remove generator drive belt (para 3-
(1) Position the starting pulley (1, fig.
(2) Loosen setscrew that secures starting
( 2 ) and secure by installing the
pulley assembly (29) to the engine
grooved taper pin.
crankshaft (16).
(2) Install the starting pulley assembly
(3) Remove the starting pulley assembly
(29, fig. 2-7) on the engine crank-
(29) from the engine crankshaft (16)
shaft (16) by turning the starting pul-
by turning the starting pulley assem-
ley assembly clockwise onto the crank-
bly counterclockwise off the crank-
(3) Secure the starting pulley assembly to
c. Removal (Model BMW-452-ENG-1).
the engine crankshaft by tightening
(1) Remove generator drive belt (para 3-
the setscrew.
(2) Loosen setscrew that secures starting
pulley assembly (29) to the engine
3-65. Engine Oil Filler Plug, Drain
crankshaft (16).
Plug and Fittings
(3) Remove the starting pulley assembly
a. Removal
( 2 9 ) from the engine crankshaft
(16) by turning the starting pulley
assembly counterclockwise off the
(2) Remove the oil drain plug (6) and
crankshaft. Remove the lockwasher
drain the oil into a suitable container.
(3) Remove the nipple (5) from the en-
(4) Remove the grooved taper pin (28)
that secures the starting pulley (1)
(4) Remove the elbow from the engine
to the nut and shaft extension (2),
base on models BMW-452-ENG and
Separate the pulley from the nut and
shaft extension.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the engine, plugs, and fit-
(2) Inspect the pulley and nut and shaft
tings for damaged threads.
extension for cracks, breaks, and loose
(3) Replace all defective parts.
fit. Inspect the taper pin for loose
c. Installation.
(1) Install the elbow in the engine base
(3) Replace all defective parts.
BMW-452-ENG and
on models
e. Installation (Model OEG-458-ENG-1
a n d OEG-458-ENG-2). Install the starting