TM 5-4310-227-15
(1) Low pressure intake manifold.
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(1) Install the baffle plate (7) in the un-
loader body (8).
secures the breather tube (8) to the
(2) Position new body g a s k e t s (9) and
elbow (6) on the low pressure in-
the unloader body (8) on the crank-
take manifold (5). Disconnect the
breather tube from the elbow and
Tighten the screws to 29 ft-lb torque.
remove the elbow.
(3) Install the spindle (12) and spindle
(c) Remove the two nuts (3) that se-
cure the low pressure intake mani-
washer (10) on the crankshaft and
fold to the studs (4) on the cylin-
secure with the screw (14) and lock-
der (9) and remove the low pres-
washer (13).
sure intake manifold and the studs.
(4) Install the two flat washers (15), the
(2) Low pressure exhaust manifold.
spring (16), and spring sleeve (17)
in the spindle.
(a) Remove the two nuts (3) that se-
(5) Install a bumper spring (26) in each
cure the low pressure exhaust mani-
weight (18).
fold (2) to the studs (4) on the
(6) Install the weights (18) on the spin-
cylinder (9).
(b) Loosen the nut (33) that secures
dle (12) and install the weight pins
t h e intercooler tube (37) to the
(28) and lockwires (27) in the
weights and spindle.
and remove the low pressure ex-
(7) Install the plunger sleeve (6) in the
haust manifold and the two studs.
housing cover (21) and install the
(3) High pressure intake manifold.
v a l v e plunger (19) in the plunger
(a) R e m o v e the low pressure safety
(8) Install a new cover gasket (20) and
(b) Remove the two nuts
(14, fig. 3-
the housing cover (21) on the unload-
er body (8) and secure with the six
intake manifold (12) to the studs
screws (25).
(13) on the cylinder.
(9) Insert the bearing ball (3) and spring
(c) Loosen the coupling nut (15) that
(2) into the release valve body (4).
secures the intercooler tube to the
(10) Install the release valve gasket (5) on
high pressure intake manifold (12)
the release valve body (4) and install
and remove the high pressure in-
the release valve body in the housing
take manifold and the two studs.
cover (21).
(11) Install the release valve cap (1) on
(4) High-pressure exhaust manifold.
(a) Loosen the compression nut (14,
the release valve body. Tighten the
cap securely to prevent any leakage of
er tubing (36) to the elbow (15)
(12) Install the screen (23) and packing
on the high pressure exhaust mani-
(24) in the air muffler (22) and in-
fold (1). Disconnect the unloader
tubing and remove the elbow.
stall the air muffler in the housing
(b) Remove the two nuts (3) that se-
cover (21).
c u r e the high pressure exhaust
Connect the breather tube and un-
loader tubing to the centrifugal un-
manifold to the studs (4) on the
cylinder (9).
(c) Loosen the nut (33) that secures
3-79. Intake and Exhaust Manifolds
t h e aftercooler tube (38) to the
high - pressure exhaust manifold
a. Removal. Stop the engine, and release all
(1) and remove the high pressure
air from the air receiver tank by opening the
exhaust manifold and two studs.