TM 5-4310-227-15
Figure 4-4. Generator, exploded view (Model BMW-452-ENG).
(3) Inspect the drive end frame and the
Inspect the bearing retainer for
f i e l d winding frame for cracks or
cracks, breaks, or excessive wear. Re-
breaks. Replace if defective.
place if defective.
(8) Clean the armature with a clean cloth
(4) Inspect the ball bearings for free ro-
dampened with an approved cleaning
tation. Replace if defective.
solvent and dry with low-pressure,
(5) Inspect the brushes for cracks, chips,
compressed air. Inspect the commuta-
or breaks. Replace brushes if worn to
tor for rough spots, scoring, pitting,
one-half their original length of sev-
burned, or out-of-round condition. If
en-eights inch.
the commutator is worn, burned, or
(6) Inspect the brush springs for proper
rough, place the armature in a lathe
o r distortion. Minimum
and take light cuts on the commutator
spring tension is 28 ounces. Replace a
until the condition is corrected. Under-
weakened or distorted brush spring.
cut the mica to a depth of 1/32 to