TM 5-4310-227-15
(12) Clean the field windings with a clean
3/64 inch. Smooth the commutator
w i t h NO. 00 sandpaper and blow
c l o t h dampened with an approved
off particles with low-pressure, com-
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
pressed air.
(13) Test the field windings for an open
(9) Use a growler to test the armature for
circuit with a test lamp circuit. Test
a short winding. Position the arma-
across the interconnection between the
ture on the growler and energize the
coils of the field windings. If the
growler. Hold a thin, steel strip paral-
lamp fails to light, resolder the inter-
lel to the core slots and explore the
connection. T e s t between the two
exposed surface of the armature core.
leads of the field windings. Failure of
A short-circuited coil in one of the
the lamp to light indicates an open
s l o t s , bridged by the jaws of the
circuit replaced.
growler, will cause the steel strip to
(14) Test the field winding for a grounded
vibrate when brought close to the oth-
circuit. Test between a lead of the
er slot occupied by the defective coil.
field windings and the field windings
Turn the armature in the growler one
frame. If the lamp lights, a grounded
slot at a time, continue to explore
condition exists and the defective field
with the steel strip until all coils have
winding must be replaced.
been tester. Replace a defective arma-
(15) Clean the commutator end head with
a clean cloth dampened with an ap-
Caution: In the following open and
proved cleaning s o l v e n t and dry
g r o u n d test do not touch the test
(16) Using a test lamp circuit, test between
or the commutator brush surfaces.
the insulated brush holder and the
(10) Test the armature for open circuits
commutator end head. If the lamp
with a growler. Position the armature
lights, the brush holder is grounded
on the growler and energize the grow-
and the commutator end head must be
ler. With the test probes connected to
(17) T e s t between the grounded brush-
commutator bars which give a read-
holder and the commutator end head.
If the lamp fails to light, the brush-
Maintaining this relation between the
holder is defective and the commu-
test probe position and the growler,
tator end head must be replaced.
turn the armature one slot at a time
until all coils are tested. The volt-
meter readings should be nearly uni-
form. If the armature has been proved
cal sequence.
free of shorts (see above), a low of
zero reading indicates an open cir-
4-23. Generator (Model BMW-452-ENG-1)
cuit. Replace a defective armature.
a. Removal and Installation. Remove and in-
(11) Test the armature for grounds with a
test lamp circuit. T e s t between the
b. Disassembly. Refer
to figure 4-5, and dis-
armature shaft or core and one of the
commutator bars. Repeat the test at
of installing field coils and other components
two or more locations around the com-
in the frame and field of fungus resistant as-
mutator to preclude the possibility of
semblies, it is necessary to replace the frame
testing from an isolated bar. If the
and field assembly as a unit, if field coils are
lamps light, the armature is ground-
ed. Replace a defective armature.