so on, will be sealed with pressure-sensitive
e. Depreservation Guide. DA Form 2258
tape conforming to Specification PPP-T-60,
(Depreservation Guide for Engineer Equip-
type III, class I.
ment ). A properly annotated depreservation
l. Fuel Tank, Boxed or Crated. If the fuel
guide will be completed concurrently with pres-
tank is empty, spray or fog interior with pre-
ervation for each item of mechanical equipment.
servative oil, type PE-2, grade 2, conforming to
Any peculiar requirements will be outlined in
Specification MIL-L-21260. Otherwise it is
the blank spaces 27 through 33. The completed
not necessary to drain or preserve the fuel tank.
depreservation guide will be placed with the
m. Air Cleaners. Clean the air cleaners and
equipment in a waterproof envelope marked
seal all openings that permit the direct entry of
"Depreservation Guide", and fastened in a
water. Use type III, class I, pressure-sensitive
conspicuous location on or near the operator's
tape conforming to Specification PPP-T-60.
n. Exterior Surfaces. Coat exposed machined
f. Lubrication System. Check level of engine
ferrous metal surfaces with type CL preserva-
class 3. If preservative is not available, GAA-
culated throughout the system. The engine
GREASE may be used.
crankcase, the oil coolers, and the oil separator
o. Marking. Will conform to MIL-STD-129.
will then be drained and the drain plugs rein-
p. Batteries and Cables. Batteries will be
g. Cooling System. Completely drain the cool-
filled, fully charged, and secured in the battery
ing system including radiator and block, oil
compartment. Cables shall be disconnected and
cooler, or other accessories through which the
secured in a manner that will prevent contact
coolant has circulated. Flush with clean water.
with terminals.
Leave drain cocks open.
q. Disassembly. Disassembled partsandbasic
issue items.
or exhaust manifold or both. Rotate the crank-
(1) Disassemblywillbe limited to the re-
shaft until one valve is open and spray 2 ounces
moval of parts and projecting com-
ponents that tend to increase the over-
ing to MIL-L-21260 into the cylinder through
all profile of the air compressor and
the open port. After preserving each cylinder,
rotate the crankshaft at least 5 revolutions and
(2) Disassembled items will be packed
with the publications in the toolbox,
Caution: Engine temperature must be less
if possible. Otherwise, items will be
than 125 F. when preservation is applied to
packed in a suitable container and
secured to the air compressor to pre-
i. Air Receiver. Remove the pipe plugs from
Note. If packing is required to provide
tanks and spray the tank interior with type
adequate protection against damage during
PE-2, grade 2, engine preservative oil conform-
shipment, refer to TM 38-230 for guidance
ing to MIL-L-21260 and reinstall. Open drain
in crate fabrication.
88. Loading Equipment for Shipment
Use appropriate materials handling equip-
j. Hose and Coupling. Recoil on hose reel or
ment of sufficient capacity to lift the air com-
coil the hose to a minimum safe diameter and tie
pressor onto the carrier. Block and tie the unit
or strap the coil to the equipment to prevent
to assure that it will not move during transit.
movement. Shroud exposed hose but not pro-
tected by storage facilities with waterproof
89. Preparation of
Equipment for Storage
kraft wrapping paper (UU-P-271).
a. General. Detailed instructions for prepara-
k. Sealing of Openings. Openings that will
permit the direct entry of water into the in-
terior of diesel engine-driven equipment, start-
is defined as storage not to exceed 6 months.
ing motor, generator, electrical enclosures and
Refer to AR 743-505.
AGO 8166A