TM 5-4310-350-14
(1) Use a rag which has been dampened in
(c) Remove plate (6).
cleaning solvent, PD680, to wipe off the filter
(d) Remove element (4).
(e) Remove screen (3).
(2) Inspect the filter muffler for damage
(4) Reassemble the air filter muffler as
or missing parts. If damage or missing parts
follows :
are found, notify organizational maintenance.
(b) Install the plate on the T-stud (9).
(3) Service the filter muffler (Model HR5-8M-
(c) Install cover lower (2) on the T-stud
3) as follows:
and secure with wingnut (1).
(a) Remove wingnut (1, fig. 3-6).
(b) Remove cover lower (2).
1. Nut, square
4. Element (2)
2. Screw, Mach.
5. Element
3. Intake, air
(5) Service the
filter muffler (Model HR5-8M-
4) as follows:
(b) Remove machine screws (2) and sepa-
rate air intake halves (3).
(c) Remove filter elements (4 and 5).
(6) Reassemble the air filter muffler as fol-
air intake halves (3), and fit halves together.
(b) Install machine screw (2) and secure
with square nut (1).
a. General. The air receiver stores compressed
TS 013631
air at a pressure between 140 and 175 psi, (9.84
and 12.30 kgs per sq cm). Compressed air, mov-
1. Nut, wing
6. Plate
ing from first stage to second stage of the com-
7. Cover, upper
2. Cover, lower
8. Ferrule
3. Screen
pressor through the intercooler tube, then through
9. T-stud
4. Element
the aftercooler tube to the air receiver tank,
5. Separator
carries moisture (condensate ) into the receiver.
frequent inspection and service is necessary.
Change 2