TM 5-4310-354-14
(6) Repair of the oil separator assembly is
(1), two air service valves (2), two close
limited to the replacement of all defective
nipples (3), and the minimum pressure
6-3 for minimum pressure valve assembly
proper operation as follows:
(2) Remove two lock nuts (5), two flat
washers (6) and clamp (7). Remove two
(1) Connect the safety valve to a controlled
cap screws (8), two lock washers (9), two
air source capable of producing a
flat washers (10), and bracket (11).
minimum of 175 psi air pressure. Provide
Unscrew and remove nipple (12) from
an air pressure gauge downstream to the
tank cover (23).
control valve.
(3) Remove two elbows (13), pipe plug (14),
(2) Open the control valve slowly observing
and street elbow (15). Make note of the
the pressure gauge. Note the pressure at
angle of the street elbow in relation to the
which the safety valve opens. The safety
tank or scribe a mark on the tank and
valve should open at approximately 140
elbow for assembly reference. The angle
psi, which is the factory setting. Reduce
is not critical but makes filling with oil
test air pressure by closing control valve
easier if near this same angle when
to pressure below "popping" pressure.
(3) The safety valve can be adjusted plus or
(4) Remove the inlet hose adapter (16), outlet
minus 14 psi by turning the slotted
hose adapter (17), and drain plug (18).
adjusting screw on the top of the valve
Remove safety valve (19) and reducing
clockwise to increase spring tension and
bushing (20).
counterclockwise to decrease tension.
(5) Remove six cap screws (21) and six lock
(4) Pull on the safety valve stem ring to make
washers (22). Remove the tank cover
certain valve will open and seat properly.
(23) by lifting straight up until oil pipe (24)
Check for leaking by applying a soapy
is clear of the element (25). Remove the
water solution on the valve. Leaking is
oil pipe (24) from tank cover (23).
indicated by bubbling of the solution. If
(6) Lift the element (25) out of the separator
the safety valve leaks or is not functioning
tank (27). It is not necessary to remove
properly, replace the safety valve.
pipe plug (26) from separator tank (27)
(5) Close the test air control valve, relieve the
unless replacement of pipe plug is
line pressure to the safety valve, and
remove the safety valve from test setup.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
e. Reassembly.
Reassemble the oil separator
assembly in the reverse numerical sequence shown in
(1) Clean parts, except element (25, figure
(2) Inspect element (25) for holes, varnish
(1) If pipe plug (26) was removed at
condition, damage to flange gaskets, or
disassembly, install pipe plug (26) in
any other defect.
separator tank (27). Assemble element
(3) Inspect safety valve (19) for proper
(25) into tank (27).
(2) Assemble oil pipe (24) to underside of
(4) Inspect minimum pressure valve assembly
tank cover (23). Assemble tank cover (23)
onto tank (27) being careful not to damage
(5) Inspect all parts for cracks, break s,
element (25) with oil pipe (24). Secure
distortion, damaged threads, or any other
cover to tank with six lock washers (22)
and six cap screws (21).
(3) Install reducing bushing (20) and safety