TM 5-4310-354-14
bypass, connection (14) and cover (13) to
on stud (7) against filter element (6) finger
valve body (30). Attach with four lock
tight. Hold this nut with a wrench and
washers (12) and four cap screws (11). If
tighten the second nut (5) against the first,
pipe plug (17) was removed, install in
locking the two together.
cover (13).
(8) Place o-ring (4) in groove on top of bypass
(6) Assemble valve spring (10), bypass valve
connection (14), assemble filter housing
(9), and valve plug (8) in bypass
(3) over element and stud. Attach with o-
connection (14).
ring (2) and acorn nut (1).
(7) If element stud (7) was removed, install
e. Installation. Install the oil filter-thermal bypass
stud in bypass connection (14). Place
filter element (6) on stud (7) making
certain it seats evenly. Install one nut (5)
6-10. General. The air compressor assembly consists
rotates, on two roller bearings, one in each end cover.
of the intake control, a single stage stator, rotor, rotor
Air and oil are drawn into the stator and compressed by
blades, end covers, flywheel housing adapter, and drive
the action of the rotor and blades rotating in the
coupling. A valve in the intake control group controls the
eccentric bore of the stator. The compressed air-oil
amount of air that is taken into the compressor. This
mixture is discharged into the oil separator assembly
valve closes and shuts off the air intake when pressure
where a labyrinth chamber and filter element separate
within the oil separator assembly reaches approximately
the oil from the air. The air then passes through a
115 PSI (8.08 KG/ CM ). When the intake valve is
minimum pressure valve assembly to the service valves
closed, the compressor is running unloaded. The intake
and hose reel and the oil is recirculated into the
valve also closes when the unit is shut down, thereby
compressor. The air compressor develops an air flow of
preventing any oil and air mixture from the rotor-stator
125 CFM (3.5 M /MIN) at a discharge pressure of 100
from being vented to atmosphere.
When the
PSI (7 KG/CM ).
compressor is running unloaded, a vacuum can develop
within the stator and cause internal damage. To prevent
Air Compressor Assembly.
this, the air pressure regulator assembly causes the
intake control valve to open slightly, which allows just
a. Removal. Remove the air compressor assembly
enough air input to prevent vacuum buildup.
compressor stator also incorporates spring loaded drain
valves which prevents hydraulic lock within the stator.
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the air compressor
The rotor is mounted in the stator on a shaft that
assembly in the numerical sequence shown in figure 6-8
protrudes through the end covers and is supported, and
and detailed procedures following.