TM 5-4310-354-14
(1) Remove six cap screws (1), six lock
(9) Remove cap screw (53), lock washer (54),
washers (2), intake housing cover (3),
and retainer (55). Tap drive coupling (56)
breather (4), and diaphragm (5).
with a soft mallet and remove the coupling
(2) Remove cylinder (10) from intake housing
(56), two grip springs (57), and coupling
(32) and disassemble lock nut (6), piston
key (58).
(7), spring (8), and stem (9) from cylinder
(10) Remove six cap screws (59), six seal
(10). Remove gasket (11), spring (12),
washers (60), engine mounting adapter
and intake valve (13).
(61), and gasket (62).
(3) Remove lock nut (14), cap screw (15), and
(11) Remove six cap screws (63), six lock
clamp (16). Pin (17) is removed from
washers (64), bearing cover (65), and
clamp (16) for disassembly and assembly
gasket (66). Press oil seal (67) out of
of speed control arm only.
bearing cover (65).
(4) Remove two cap screws (18), two lock
(12) Remove sealing sleeve (68) and remove
washers (19), guide (20), and gasket (21).
o-ring (69) from sealing sleeve (68).
Remove push rod (24).
Remove oil seal sleeve (70) and o-ring
bushing (22) and o-ring (23) from guide
(71) from rotor shaft extension.
(13) Pull the drive end cover-rotor group (72)
(5) Remove two screws (25), two lock
out of stator (93) removing the eight rotor
washers (26), and valve plate (27).
blades (73), o-ring (74), and steel ball
Remove shaft (28) and stop pin (29) as
(6) Remove three cap screws (30), three lock
washers (31), separate intake housing
(32) from intake end cover (49) and
Refer to step (16) below for detailed
remove gasket (33). Remove plug (34), o-
disassembly of the drive end cover-
ring (35), spring (36), and steel ball (37)
rotor group (72) which consists of
from housing (32). The two pipe plugs
items (76 through 84). However, it is
(38) need not be removed from housing
recommended that this group of
(32) unless replacement is necessary.
parts not be disassembled unless
(7) Remove six cap screws (39), six lock
inspection reveals defective parts
washers (40), bearing cover (41), and
that required replacement.
gasket (42). Remove cap screw (43), lock
washer (44), and bearing retainer (45).
(14) Remove
(8) Remove one cap screw (46), five cap
necessary. The serial number plate (87),
screws (47), and six seal washers (48).
attached by two drive pins (86), should not
Tap intake end cover (49) with a soft
be removed from end cover (79). If serial
mallet to break seal of cover to stator.
number plate (87) must be replaced, make
Remove end cover (49) with bearing outer
certain data from old plate is stamped on
race (51).
Remove o-ring (50) and
new plate to retain serial number and
remove bearing outer race (51) from end
model number.
cover (49). Pipe plug (52) need not be
(15) Remove two relief plugs (88), two o-rings
(89), two springs (90), and two relief
valves (91) from stator (93). Eyebolt (92)
need not be removed from stator (93)
unless replacement is necessary.
Inner race of bearing (52) remains on
end of rotor shaft. The inner race is
illustrated as item (76). Disassembly
of drive end cover-rotor group (72) is
detailed in step (16) below.