TM 5-4310-354-14
(7) Inspect bearings (51, 76 and 83) for
(d) Immerse bearing inner race (1) in
freedom of rotation, cracks, gritty action,
hot cooking oil, or equivalent,
or any other defect.
heated to maximum of 350F
(177C). Allow the race to remain in
(8) Inspect all parts for cracks,
the hot oil approximately ten
distortion, or any other defect.
minutes; then, while still hot, install
race (1) on rotor shaft (9) against
(9) Inspect all attaching hardware for
shoulder on shaft.
damaged threads, distortion, cracks, or
any other defect.
(e) Coat the flat surface of bearing ring
(5) with a grease or petroleum jelly
(10) Replace all defective parts.
to hold in place until the drive end
cover-rotor group is installed in
assembly in the following sequence.
assemble the ring (5) over the rotor
shaft and against the bearing inner
race (7).
Install all new gaskets and o-rings at
(f) Place the assembled drive end
reassembly. A compressor overhaul
cover-rotor group on a work bench
kit consisting of these components is
until ready to assemble into
(1) If drive end cover-rotor group (72, figure
of preassembled parts is illustrated
and reassemble as follows:
in top of stator (93). Assemble two relief
valves (91), two springs (90), two o-rings
Do not use a torch or similar heating
(89), and two relief plugs (88) in stator
method to install bearing inner races
Excessive or uneven heat will cause
(3) Install serial number plate (87) on end
softening of the metal.
cover (79) with two drive pins (86). Install
(a) Immerse bearing inner race (7) in
hose connector (85) in end cover (79).
hot cooking oil, or equivalent,
heated to maximum of 350F
(4) Place steel ball (75) in hole in the end
(177C). Allow the race to remain in
flange of stator (93). Apply a light coating
the hot oil approximately ten
of petroleum jelly on o-ring (74) and install
minutes; then, while still hot, install
on stator (93).
race (7) on rotor shaft (9) with race
flange against shoulder on shaft.
(5) Carefully insert the preassembled drive
end cover-rotor group (72) [consists of
(b) Assemble end cover (4) over rotor
items (76 through 84) which were
shaft (9) from opposite end of shaft
preassembled in step 1 above]. Assemble
(9) to end where inner race (7) was
gasket (62) and adapter (61). Attach to
installed in step (a) above. Install
stator (93) with six seal washers (60) and
bearing outer race (6) into end cover
six cap screws (59).
(4) and over inner race (7).
(6) Coat the eight rotor blades (73)
(c) Install rotor key (3) in shaft (9)
keyway. Assemble rotor (2) on rotor
lubricating oil and insert into rotor (77)
shaft (9) with oil drain holes in blade
slots from open end of stator (93).
slots positioned on leading edge of
slots with respect to rotor rotation
(7) Apply a coating of clean compr essor
(the rotation is clockwise facing the
lubricating oil on o-rings (71 and 69).
drive end of the compressor).
Install o-ring (71) on rotor shaft and