TM 5-4310-354-14
Figure 6-11. Rotor blade inspection.
c. Reassemb ly.
(2) Connect hose assemblies to intake control
(1) Reassemble the compressor non-drive
end in the reverse numerical sequence
metal hose on intake pipe and tighten
hose clamp.
(a) Dip the eight rotor blades (6) and a
new o-ring (5) in clean compressor
oil before installing.
Slide the
blades (6) into the slots in rotor (7).
(5) Reassemble speed control rod stop block
Place o-ring (5) on end flange of
on control lever arm and secure with lock
stator (8).
nut. Hook speed control rod return spring
to stop block.
(b) Carefully assemble the intake
housing and end cover assembly (4)
(6) Reassemble compressor access panel on
onto shaft bearing and against the
housing rear end panel.
face of stator (8). Attach with six
seal washers (3), five cap screws
(7) Reassemble the hose reel assembly (para
(2), and one cap screw (1).