TM 5-4310-362-14
3. Capacitor
Reading should be 815 to 975 mfd. If
you think the capacitor is bad and a
meter is not available, try substituting
a good 890 mfd capacitor for the one
you think is bad and the motor should
run normally again.
1. Shim (15)
Install in end bell (3).
2. Bearing (8)
Install in end bell (3).
3. Stationary switch (13)
Mount on end bell (3).
4. Rotary switch (12)
Install on shaft (7).
5. Bearing spacer (16)
Install on shaft (7).
6. Shaft and rotor assembly
Slide into frame and stator
assembly (5).
End bell should be mounted with ven-
7. End bell (3)
Slide onto end of shaft (7)
tilation slots toward bottom. Also ob-
serve alinement marks made before dis-
assembly on end bell and frame.
8. Baffle (11)
Slide onto shaft (7) until it
touches frame.
9. Fan (10)
Slide onto shaft (7).
10. Wavy spring (17)
Install in end bell (4).
11. Bearing (9)
Install in end bell (4).
12. Thru bolt (6)
a. Use to line up holes in end
bell (3) and baffle (11).
Alinement marks on end bell and frame
13. End bell (4)
Slide onto shaft (7).
must line up.