TM 5-4310-379-14
Perform step 16 only if bearings were removed from output shaft bearings were removed from
output shaft.
Lubricate outside diameter of inner bearing cup (23) and using block of wood or mallet, tap bearing cup
(22) into housing (25) fully.
Install output shaft (20) with bearings (21) and (22) installed, bearing cup (19) and secure with bearing
retainer (18).
Check output shaft end play. Output shaft end play should be 0.004-0.006 in. (0.0101 -0.0152 cm).
Loosen or tighten bearing retainer (18) until proper end play is obtained.
Install lock (17) and secure with screw (15) and lockwasher (16).
Install grease gun on fitting (24) and fill bearing cavity while rotating output shaft (20), with grease until
grease appears between output shaft (20) and PTO housing (25).
Install yoke (11), shaft (12), and two keys (12) and (13) and tighten two bolts (10).
Install handle (9) and tighten screw (8).
Install key (7) and clutch (4) and secure with lockwasher (5) and nut (6) and bend lockwasher (
5) over nut
Install grease line (3) and tighten fitting nut (2).
Install pilot bushing (1).
Change 1 5-109