TM 5-4930-207-34
cooler for cracked or chipped castings, and dam-
Remove eight screws (8) and lift off cylinder
aged screw threads.
head (9) and intercooler (3).
b. Repair. Repair by replacing damaged parts.
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the cylinder head,
4-4. Cylinder Head, Valves and lnter-
c o o l e r Reassembly and
4-3. Cylinder Head Valves and
l n t e r c o o l e r Inspection and
a. Reassembly. The cylinder head, valves, and
intercooler are reassembled in reverse of disas-
a. lnspection. Inspect valves, valve seats, valves
b. Installation. Install cylinder head (9) and
springs and stops for nicks, scoring, burning,
intercooler (3). Refer to TM 5-4930-207-12 and
warping, and noticable wear. Discard worn or
install the air cleaner, lines and fittings.
damaged parts. Check cylinder head and inter-
Section Il.
(2) Bearings are dried by the vacuum air
method. Lubricate bearings immediately after
The twin-cylinder construction gives a higher
discharge pressure with less consumption of
power. The larger cylinder is a low pressure
Avoid touching clean bearings with bare fingers;
cylinder and the smaller is the high pressure
do not spin bearing while dry.
cylinder, The low pressure, or first stage, ex-
hausts air into an intercooler which cools the air
b. Inspection. Check cylinders bores, pistons,
before it enters under pressure (45 psi) into the
connecting rods, and pins for excessive wear,
high pressure cylinder.
scoring, and other damage.
4-6. Cylinder and Pistons Removal
4-8. Cylinder and Pistons Reassembly
a n d Disassembly
a n d Installation
a. Removal.
a. Reassembly. Replace gasket (10), refer to
(1) Refer to TM 5-4930-207-12 for removal
of lines and fittings and the compressor assembly,
Be sure rings are installed correctly. Compres-
crankcase (17). Remove bolts (8, fig. 4-1) and lift
sion rings (15, 16, 24, and 25) are taper faced
off cylinder head (9) and gasket (10).
and on one aide the word "TOP" is etched on the
ring. Be sure this marking is facing up. Oil
rings (18, 19, 26, and 27) are of the slotted type
and disassemble the cylinder and pistons as
and also must be installed correctly, see figure
illustrated in numerical sequence,
b. Installation.
4-7. Cylinder and Pistons Cleaning
and Inspection
cylinder head (9, fig. 4-1) and bolts (8), replace
a. Cleaning.
gasket (10).
(1) Wash parts with P-D-680. Dry parts
(2) Refer to TM 5-4930-207-12 and install
except bearings with a clean lint-free cloth.
the lines and fittings.