TM 5-4930-218-14
(2) Remove the manifold-to-wheel cylinder tube
solvent and thoroughly wash all fittings. Blow com-
pressed air through tubes and hoses to insure that
(4) and tube fittings (6 and 7).
they are not restricted.
(3) Remove hose assembly (8).
(2) Inspect hoses for cracks, abrasions, collapsed
(4) Remove manifold (13) from the axle by
removing nut (10), lock washer (11), and flat washer
ends. Replace defective hoses.
(3) Inspect tubes for cracks, dents, restrictions,
(5) Remove tube (14), fittings (16 and 17), and
and other damage; replace damaged tubes.
adapter nut (18).
(4) Inspect all fittings for damaged threads,
(6) Remove tube (20) and fitting (19).
cracks, and other damage. Replace defective fittings.
(7) Remove tube (22) and fittings (27 and 28).
c. lnstallation. Install the brake hydraulic lines in
(8) Remove the grommet (25).
b. Cleaning and lnspection.
installation of lines, bleed the system per paragraph
(1) Wipe the exterior of the hoses with a cloth
dampened lightly with dry cleaning solvent (fed.
spec. P-D-680). Flush out all tubes with cleaning
along with safety chains for use when towing the
a. Two fenders are installed to prevent water and
visibility at night. Six lifting and tiedown rings are
mud from being thrown up from the wheels. The
installed on the unit to facilitate hoisting, handling,
welded steel fenders are bolted to the frame.
and shipping.
b. Shock absorbers are mounted between the axle
and frame to reduce shock caused by hitting
f. A landing gear is installed on the towbar to sup-
chuckholes and road bumps, and to dampen
port the front of the unit when the unit is discon-
oscillation which would otherwise result from spring
nected from the towing vehicle. It is also used to raise
or lower the front of the unit to aline the lunette
c. One end of each quarter ellipse spring is secured
with the hitch of the towing vehicle. The landing
to the frame; the other end bears against a resilient
gear is equipped with a pivot to swing it up and out
rubber wear pad on the axle. The weight of the
of the way to increase ground clearance during
lubricating and servicing unit is loaded against the
springs as the axle pivots in its bushings on the
frame. In this manner, the springs provide a cushion
for the unit, minimizing road shock and bumps.
a. Removal, Remove the wheel chocks (22, fig. 4-
d. A catwalk is provided to facilitate access to the
27) from the fenders (30). Support the weight of
lubricant pumps. The catwalk is bolted onto the
fenders with a hoist. Remove attaching parts (26
through 29) and remove the fenders.
e. A lunette is installed at the front of the frame,