TM 9-4310-397-14
Before removing pistons visually inspect condition of cylinder liners with pistons at bottom dead
center "BDC". Liners will require replacement if:
The hone pattern is not visible all the way around the liner in over 75 percent of the ring travel
Liners are pitted or contain deep vertical scratches that can be detected by the fingernail.
No further inspection is required if any one of the above conditions are found.
Connecting rod bearing clearance should be measured before removing piston/rod assembly. Be sure to
check connecting rod cap screws for proper torque.
Remove connecting rod cap. Place a piece of bearing clearance gauge (Plastigage) (item 21, 22, 23,
section II, appendix E) (Figure 6-68, 1) in the center of the bearing. Install cap and torque cap screws
55 ft lbs (75 Nm).
Figure 6-68. Connecting Rod Cap
Remove cap and compare the width of bearing clearance gauge (Plastigage) with scale provided on
the side of package to determine clearance. Maximum permissible clearance: 0.0062 in. (0.16 mm).
Remove all rod caps with bearings.
If liners are to be reused, be extremely careful not to let connecting rod hit liner bore when
removing piston/liner assembly.
Keep bearing inserts with their respective rods and caps. Mark rods, pistons, and caps to insure
correct assembly in same location.
Once piston rings have cleared cylinder liner, hold on to piston to prevent
piston from dropping.
Gently tap piston through top of cylinder block from the bottom.