TM 9-4310-397-14
Remove water gallery plugs.
If necessary to "Hot Tank" the block, also remove screw-in type oil gallery plugs and the engine serial
number plate.
Disassemble piston and rod per the following:
Remove piston pin snap rings and push piston pin out of piston.
Separate piston and rod. Keep these parts in place with the respective cylinder liner.
Discard piston rings and connecting rod bearings. Do not reuse.
Match piston with correct liner and check for scoring (arrows). Wear of this type could be caused by:
engine overheating, or foreign material entering the cylinder through the oiling system. Check for
any cracks or other obvious failures. If any defects are found, replace the piston and liner as required.
If no defects are found, proceed to next step.
Figure 6-74. Inspect Pistons and Liners
If piston ring face and ring land have excessive wear, replacement is necessary for both piston and
liner. If no defects are found, proceed to next step.
Remove piston rings using a Piston Ring Expander (Figure 6-75, 1). Discard rings.