Assemble the pulley to the gasoline engine.
(4) Unscrew the six bolts (7) and remove the two
(4) with the removed screws and tighten the
clip angles (8) from the gasoline engine (4).
screws securely.
e. Cleaning and Inspection.
(4) Position the adapter (2) to the drive shaft of
(1) Clean all metallic parts in ultrasonic cleaner.
the gasoline engine (4) and secure using the
(2) Inspect all parts for clogging, dents,
screw (3). Apply a torque of 20 pound-feet
scratches, or any other damage. Replace
using the torque adapter.
damaged or defective components.
f. Installation.
d. Lubrication.
(1) Apply antiseize compound per JANA-6169 to
group (4, fig. 20) and secure in place with the
threaded components on the fuel system.
four bolts (2, fig. 10) and the four washers (1).
Apply a torque of 7 -to 8 pound-feet to bolts.
(2) Apply oil (OE-30) to the threaded areas of the
group on the lower frame engine mounting
e. Assembly (fig.20).
surfaces and secure the assembly to the
(1) Position the two clip angles (8) on the
lower frame (9, fig. 21) using the eight bolts
gasoline engine (4) "and secure in place
(10, fig. 20) and washers (9). Apply a torque
using the six bolts (7). Apply a torque of 5 to
-of 5 to 7 pound-feet to the bolts (10).
7 pound-feet to the bolts (7).
(3) Connect the aftercooler (6, fig. 9) to the water
(2) Position the two clip angles (5) on the
separator inlet elbow (12, fig. 3) and apply a
gasoline engine (4) and secure in place using
torque of between 3 to 5 pound-feet to the
the six bolts (6). Apply a torque of 5 to 7
aftercooler nut.
pound-feet to the bolts (6).
(4) Perform the assembly as indicated in
(3) Remove the two screws of the gasoline
paragraph 12e (5).
engine (4) used to hold the pulley (1).
51. Description and Function
The fuel tank is a gasoline storage tank mounted on
(2) Remove the fuel tank accessories as
the frame assembly. An identification nameplate is
indicated in paragraph 18a.
assembled to the fuel tank. The frame assembly
(3) Unscrew the two bolts (14) and washers (15)
consists of a tubular upper frame and a rubber-mounted,
and remove the tank assembly (8) from the
tubular lower frame that are joined together by coupling
lower frame (9).
nuts. The frame assembly is used as the mounting base
for the entire unit.
(1) Remove the instruction plate (3) from the
52. Maintenance
upper frame (1) by disassembling the four
Fourth echelon maintenance is authorized to
screws (2) and four lock nuts (5).
replace the identification nameplate, fuel tank assembly,
(2) Remove the four cushion clamps (4) from the
upper frame; lower frame, rubber mounts, and the
upper frame (1).
attaching hardware.
(3) Unscrew the four screws (7) and remove the
nameplate (6) from the tank assembly (8).
(1) Unscrew the coupling nuts on the upper
(4) Unscrew the four nuts (10), the four washers
frame (1) and remove the upper frame from
(11), the four screws (13), and the four rubber
the lower frame (9).
mounts (12) from the lower frame (9).
AGO 5548A