TM 5-4310-227-15
(2) Inspect the flywheel for cracks, chips,
nicks, and other damage. Inspect for
defective air vanes.
(3) M a k e sure the timing marks are
on the air shroud (12) and secure
and nuts.
(4) Replace a damaged flywheel.
(f) Position the starter guard on the air
c. Installation.
shroud and secure with the screws
(1) Position the woodruff key (20) on
the engine crankshaft (18). Aline the
(g) Install the air shroud cover (see
flywheel (26) with the woodruff key
(3) below).
and install the flywheel on the crank-
(h) Install the intake manifold (para
(i) Install the
engine flywheel (para 3-
3-56. Muffler and Fittings
(2) Rim and screen.
(a) Secure the air shroud rim (4) and
a. Removal (Models OEG-458-ENG-1 and
screen (27) to the air shroud with
the four screws (29).
(b) Install the starting pulley (para 3-
from the pipe nipple (29).
(2) Remove the nipple from the cylinder
and crankcase assembly (19).
(3) Air shroud cover.
b. Removal (Model BMW-452-ENG and
(a) Position the stud spacer (6) on the
mounting stud (5) and secure the
(1) Loosen the screw that secures the muf-
cover (12) to the cylinder head (9)
by tightening the screw (32).
fler and remove the rain cap.
(b) Install the nut (10) and flat wash-
er (11) that secure the cover to the
mounting stud (5).
(3) Remove the muffler (17) from the el-
b o w (16) by turning the muffler
(4) Loosen the locknut on the elbow (16)
and remove the elbow from the cylin-
a. Removal.
the locknut from the elbow.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
from the engine crankshaft (5) by
(2) Inspect the muffler for holes, cracks,
tapping lightly on the front end of
and excessive rust.
the crankshaft with a soft metal ham-
(3) Inspect the nipple, dust cap, shield,
mer and, at the same time, exerting
locknut for damaged
an outward pull on the flywheel air
t h r e a d s , cracks, excessive rust, or
other damage.
(4) Replace any defective parts.
d. Installation (Models BMW-452-ENG
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
and BMW-452-ENG-1).
(1) Install locknut on elbow (16). Install
(1) Clean all applicable parts in an ap-
the elbow in the cylinder and crank-
c l e a n i n g solvent and dry
case assembly.