(2) Loosen one compression nut (25, fig.
and low-pressure exhaust valve disk
14) from the adapter (24) and remove
(6) from the low-pressure exhaust
valve seat (9).
the lower end of the aftercooler (26).
(7) Remove and disassemble the high-
(3) Remove the adapter from the check
-pressure exhaust valve assembly in the
valve elbow (23).
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
same manner.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Wash the aftercooler with an ap-
(1) Clean all parts with an approved
proved cleaning solvent. Blow out all
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
accumulated dirt with compressed air.
(2) Inspect all valve seats and housings
(2) Inspect the aftercooler for dents,
for cracks, breaks, rough or scored
holes, cracks, or damaged, threads.
valve seats, and mating surfaces.
Straighten fins if they are bent, Re-
(3) Inspect the springs for distortion,
place a defective aftercooler.
weak tension, or broken helical coils.
c. Installation.
(4) Inspect the cylinder block for defec-
(1) Install the adapter (24) in the check
tive intake and exhaust valve assembly
valve elbow (23).
(2) Install the lower end of the aftercooler
(26) in the adapter and tighten the
compression nut (25).
(3) Install the high-pressure exhaust
91. Intake and Exhaust Valves
a. Removal and Disassembly.
(1) Remove the intake and exhaust mani-
(2) Remove the low-pressure intake as-
gasket (2) under the valve assembly
from the cylinder block (3).
lockwasher (4) that secure the low-
pressure intake valve seat (5) to the
low-pressure intake valve cage (8).
Remove the seat (5), low-pressure in-
take disk (6), and the low-pressure in-
take spring (7) from the low-pressure
intake valve cage (8).
(4) Remove and disassemble the high-pres-
sure intake valve assembly in a simi-
lar manner.
(5) Remove the copper gasket (2, fig. 19)
and the low-pressure exhaust valve as-
sembly (1) and gasket (7) under the
valve assembly from the cylinder
block (3) .
lockwasher (4) that secure the low-
pressure exhaust valve cage (11 ) to
the low-pressure - exhaust valve seat
(9). Remove the cage (11), low-
pressure exhaust valve spring (10)