(3) Low-pressure exhaust manifold.
(b) Remove the high-pressure intake
(a) Install the high-pressure intake
manifold in the same manner as (2)
manifold before installing the low-
pressure exhaust manifold ( (2)
(c) Remove the intercooler safety valve
(b) Install the low-pressure exhaust
take manifold.
(4) High-pressure exhaust m a n i f o l d.
manifold in the same manner as (2)
(Used on Model LP-512-ENG),
(a) Loosen the compression nut (2, fig.
(4) Low-pressure intake manifold.
15) and
disconnect the
(a) Install the studs on the cylinder
(1) from the high-pressure exhaust
block and install the low-pressure
manifold (3).
intake manifold (4) on the studs
(b) Remove the two hex nuts (5) that
and secure with two hex nuts (3).
secure the high-pressure exhaust
manifold to the studs on the cylinder
(c) Install the intake air cleaner (par.
(c) Remove the manifold.
(d) Remove the high-pressure exhaust
manifold on Model OEH-34-60-
ENG-1 in a similar manner.
a. Removal.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Remove crankshaft flywheel (par.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Loosen two compression nuts (25, fig.
14) from the
low-pressure exhaust
breaks, or dents. Inspect all threaded
manifold (2) and the high-pressure
fittings for damaged threads.
intake manifold and remove the inter-
(3) Replace all unserviceable parts.
cooler (29).
c. Installation.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) High-pressure exhaust m a n i f o l d.
(1) Clean the intercooler with an approved
(Used on Model LP-512-ENG).
cleaning solvent. Blow out all grease
(a) Install the studs in the cylinder
and dirt collected inside the tube. Be
block and install the manifold on the
certain there is no dirt or grease on
studs and secure with two hex nuts
the fins which will hamper their cool-
ing function.
(b) Install the aftercooler (1) in the
(2) Inspect the intercooler for dents,
high-pressure exhaust manifold (3)
holes, cracks, or damaged threads.
and tighten the compression nut
Straighten fins if they are bent. Re-
place a defective intercooler.
(c) Install the high-pressure exhaust
c. Installation.
manifold on Model OEH-34-60-
ENG-1 in a similar manner.
(1) Position the intercooler (29) with ends
(2) High-pressure intake manifold.
in the low-pressure exhaust manifold
(a) Install the intercooler safety valve
(2) and the high-pressure intake
(3, fig. 3) in the high-pressure in-
manifold and tighten the two compres-
take manifold.
sion nuts (25).
(b) Install the studs in the cylinder
(2) Install the crankshaft flywheel (par.
block and install the manifold on the
studs and secure with two hex nuts
a. Removal.
(c) Install the intercooler (29) in the
intake manifold and tighten the
(1) Remove the high-pressure exhaust
compression nut (25).