(5) Inspect the copper gaskets for distor-
(d) Remove the release valve cap (1).
tion or imprints that will render the
Tilt the release valve body (4) and
the compression helical spring (2),
gaskets unserviceable.
(6) Replace all defective parts that can-
and the bearing ball (3) will drop
not be repaired.
(e) Remove the body (4) from the un-
c. Reassemble and Installion.
loader housing cover (19 ) and re-
(1) Position the low-pressure intake
move the gasket (5) from the body.
spring (7), the low-pressure intake
(f) Remove the breather (18), from the
disk (6), and the low-pressure intake
unloader housing cover (19) and
seat (5) on the low-pressure intake
press out the release valve plunger
valve cage (8) and secure with the
sleeve (6) from the cover.
lockwasher (4) and the screw (3).
(2) Unloader weight assembly.
Caution: Be sure to seat the large
(a) Remove the 2 lockwires (8) from
diameter of the spring in the cage in
the 2 control governor pins (9) and
all valves.
remove the pins from the spindle
(2) Install the copper gasket and the low-
(10). This will release the 2 weights
pressure intake valve assembly (9, fig.
(21), spring sleeve (15), spring
19) in
the cylinder block (3).
(14), and the flat washer (13)
(3) Reassemble and install the high-pres-
from the spindle.
sure intake assembly in a similar
(b) Remove the two bumper springs
(22) from the weights.
(4) Position the low-pressure exhaust
(c) Remove the capscrew (12) and
disk (6, fig. 20), the low-pressure ex-
lockwasher (11) which secure the
haust spring (10), and the low-pres-
sure exhaust cage (11) on the low-
spindle (10 ) to the crankshaft and
remove the spindle.
pressure exhaust valve seat (9) and
secure with the lockwasher (4) and
(d) Remove the baffle plate (7) from
screw (3).
the housing.
(5) Install the copper gasket (7, fig. 19)
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
the low-pressure exhaust valve assem-
(1) Clean all parts with an approved
bly (1), and the copper gasket (2) in
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
the cylinder block (3).
(2) Inspect the springs for evidence of
(6) Reassemble and install the high-pres-
loss of tension and set.
sure exhaust valve assembly in the
(3) Inspect the body for cracks, breaks,
same manner.
damaged threads, or other damage,
(7) Install the intake and exhaust mani-
and replace if defective.
(4) Inspect the plunger, sleeve, baffle
plate, governor pin, spindle and
weights for cracks, nicks, burs, wear,
a. Removal and Disassembly.
or other damage. Replace all dam-
aged or worn parts.
(1) Unloader housing valve assembly.
(a) Remove the tube assemblies (par.
(5) Inspect all hardware for breaks,
cracks, bends, damaged threads, or for
other damage. Replace all damaged
(b) Remove 6
machine screws (9, fig.
14) from the unloader housing cover
(10) and remove the cover, gasket,
c. Reassembly and Installation.
and release valve as an assembly.
(1) Install the baffle plate (7) in the
Discard the gasket.
(c) Remove the release valve plunger
(2) Install the spindle (10) on the crank-
shaft and secure with the capscrew
sleeve (6).
(12) and lockwasher (11).