c. Installation. Install the globe valve and
(5) Remove the capscrews (5, B, fig. 17),
nuts, washers, and remove the air re-
a. Removal.
ceiver tank (9).
(1) Turn off the outside power source or
b. Removal, (Model OEH-34-60-ENG-1).
stop the engine.
(1) Remove the pressure switch tube
by opening the draincock.
(2) Remove the magnetic starter with
(3) Remove the draincock from the air re-
pressure switch and cover (par. 70).
ceiver tank.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(4) Remove the air pressure gage (par.
(1) Clean the draincock with an approved
cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect for corrosion, cracks, and de-
(6) Remove the safety relief valve (par.
fective threads.
(3) Replace a defective draincock.
(7) Remove the air compressor (par. 67).
c. Installation. Install the draincock in the
(8) Remove the check valve assembly
air receiver tank.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Testing.
a. Removal.
(1) Clean the interior of the air tank
(1) Remove the drain cap and nipple (par.
with live steam if available, or
with any approved solvent. Dry
case side plate (par. 98).
(2) Inspect the interior and the exterior
(3) Drive the oil level gage from the
of the tank for cracks, broken welds,
dents, or corrosion. C h e c k all
the same diameter as the oil level gage.
threaded surfaces for d a m a g e d
Note. Do not remove the oil level gage
unless the gage is leaking or defective.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. Inspect the oil
(3) Inspect the air receiver tank for safe
level gage for cracks, breaks, or other defects.
operation by performing a hydrostatic
Replace the oil level gage if defective.
pressure test in the following manner:
(a) Install plugs in all but one opening
c. Installation.
of the tank.
(1) Coat the outer edges of the oil level
(b) Fill the tank full of water.
gage with a light coat of sealing com-
(c) Install a fitting, that is equipped
pound; turn the oil level gage so that
with a coupling, and an air pressure
gage, of at least 200 psi capacity,
the line of the gage runs parallel to
in the opening through which the
the bottom of the crankcase.
water was poured into the tank.
(2) Install the f rent compressor crank-
Put a 200 psi air pressure into the
fitting and test the tank.
(3) Install the drain cap and nipple (par.
Caution: Do not exceed 200 psi
pressure in the tank.
(d) Drain the water from the tank and
dry thoroughly.
a. Removal (Model LP-512-ENG).
d. Installation (Model OEH-34-60-ENG-1).
(1) Remove the aftercooler tube (par.
(2) Install the check valve assembly (par.
(2) Remove the air pressure gage (par,