TM 5-4310-354-14
4-1. Inspecting and Servicing the Equipment.
a. Inspecting the Equipment .
When the air
To prevent serious bums, take
compressor unit is received, inspect as follows
necessary precautions when filling
prior to installation and use.
battery with electrolyte. Do not allow
electrolyte to come in contact with
(1) Inspect for, and tighten, any loose nuts,
skin or eyes. Use rubber gloves and
bolts, and screws.
protective Clothing.
(2) Inspect all controls, instruments, and
gauges for damage and loose mounting.
The 6TN and/or the 6TL batteries will
(3) Inspect electrical wiring for frayed
perform properly in hot weather as
insulation, loose connections, or any other
long as electrolyte levels are
damage. (Refer to wiring diagram, figure
carefully monitored. If the electrolyte
expands and causes the level to rise,
some fluid must be removed. If the
(4) Inspect condition of fan drive belt and belt
level becomes too low due to
tension. Make certain that fan is securely
mounted and that there is clearance
used to obtain the proper level. A
between fan blades and fan guard. (Refer
good grade of drinking water
(excluding mineral waters) may be
used if distilled water is not available.
(5) Inspect all piping, air tubing, and hose
assemblies for loose connections and
(5) Fill battery with electrolyte to a level of
approximately 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) above
the cell plates. Specific gravity checked
b. Servicing the Equipment . Prior to installation
with a hydrometer will be 1.250 minimum.
and use, service the air compressor unit as follows.
(1) Perform all daily and before operation
preventive maintenance checks and
Battery is 12 volt, negative ground.
4-2. Installation.
(2) Lubricate the equipment in accordance
a. Pull the air compressor skid unit to
the worksite
with a suitable vehicle and pulling device, such as chains
(3) Fill the fuel tank with proper grade of
or cables. The pulling device may be attached to either
diesel fuel.
end of the skid frame.
recommended fuel and capacity.)
b. Locate the unit as near as possible to the work
(4) Fill the radiator to a level approximately 2
area. The unit should be as level as possible, and in no
inches (50.6 mm) below radiator filler
case should the unit be operated out of level more than
15 degrees in any direction.
Change 2 4-1