TM 5-4310-354-14
(3) Repair of enclosure components is limited
to straightening of dents, welding of
group in the sequence of index numbers
cracks and breaks, and replacement of
defective parts.
(a) Remove ten lock nuts (1) and
c. Reassembly and Installation.
screws (2), five for each door
assembly, and remove the two door
group in the reverse sequence of index
assemblies (3).
Only when
necessary, remove four lock nuts (4)
(a) Place door catch spring (17)
deflector (6).
between the legs of bracket (18)
and hold straight end portion of
(b) Remove eight lock nuts (7), sixteen
spring (17) against leg of bracket
(18) with vise-grip type pliers. Place
screws (8), and the roof section (9).
bracket (18) in position in line with
hole for door catch eye (16) with the
(c) Remove sixteen lock nuts (10) and
larger end of spring (17) toward end
screws (11), and the access panel
panel (15). Insert door catch eye
(12). Remove eight lock nuts (13)
(16) through hole in end panel (15),
and screws (14) and remove the
through hole in bracket (18), and
end panel (15).
into spring (17).
Use a turning
motion in counterclockwise direction
while pushing in on door catch eye
(d) Hold the straight end portion of door
(16) to insert the tapered end of the
latch spring (17) against leg of
eye into the small end of the spring
bracket (18) with vise-grip type
(17). Remove the pliers. Assemble
pliers and turn door catch eye (16)
all four door catch eyes in this
in a clockwise direction while pulling
manner, two on end panel (15) and
Remove the four door
two on radiator-cooler assembly
(20), one on each side.
catch eyes (16), door catch springs
(17) and door catch brackets (18) in
(b) Place end panel (15) in position on
this manner. Two are mounted on
frame (19) and attach with eight
the end panel (15), one on each
screws (14) and lock nuts (13).
side, and two on radiator-cooler
Assemble access panel (12) onto
assembly (20), one on each side.
end panel (15) with sixteen screws
(11) and lock nuts (10).
(c) Assemble roof section (9) onto end
panel (15) and radiator-cooler
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used
assembly (20) with sixteen screws
(8) and eight lock nuts (7).
Avoid repeated and
(d) Assemble exhaust deflector (6) onto
roof section (9) with upright leg
prolonged skin contact. Do not use
toward the air cleaner end of the
near open flame or excessive heat.
unit. Attach exhaust deflector (6)
Flash point of solvent is 100 F-130 F
with four screws (5) and lock nuts
(38 C - 59 C).
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(e) Attach the two door assemblies (3)
to frame (19), one on each side,
with ten screws (2) and lock nuts
(1) Clean all enclosure components using
(1), five screws and lock nuts for
solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680,
each door.
Type II. Dry thoroughly.
(2) Install data and instructions plates as
(2) Inspect all parts for dents, cracks, breaks,
or any other damage.
Inspect all
hardware for damaged threads, distortion,
and missing parts.