TM 5-4310-354-14
(1) Disassemble the four cap screws (1) and lock
(2) Inspect the fan (3) for cracks and for bent
washers (2), fan (3), fan spacer (4), and drive V-
blades; replace if damaged.
belt (5).
(3) Inspect the fan
pulley (18) for cracks and
(2) Loosen hose clamps (6, 7) and disassemble
distortion. Check
the pulley groove for rust and
bypass tube (8) and clamps (6, 7). Remove
for rough spots.
Clean up roughness or rust
hose nipple (9) as necessary.
with fine emery
Replace a worn or
damaged pulley.
(3) Remove three cap screws (10) and lock
washers (11). Tap water pump assembly with a
soft mallet to loosen and remove the assembly
fraying, and wear.
and gasket (12).
(5) Inspect the bypass tube (8) for cracks, dents,
(4) Disassemble cap screw (13), cap screw (14),
clogging, and other damage; replace a damaged
two lock washers (15), inlet pipe (16), and
bypass tube.
gasket (17) from pump assembly. Pull fan
pulley (18) off pump shaft.
(6) Inspect the pump shaft and bearing assembly
(24) for cracks, distortion, and signs of
(5) Disassemble the water pump assembly by
overheating. Check the bearings by rotating
removing four screws (19), cover (20), gasket
them on the shaft. If rough spots are detected,
(21), and retaining ring (23).
replace the shaft and bearing assembly.
(7) Inspect the impeller (22) for cracks, broken
vanes, and wear. Replace a damaged impeller.
Place the front of pump body (26) on
(8) Inspect the pump body (26) assembly and inlet
a support in an arbor press to press
pipe (16) for cracks and for worn or damaged
shaft and bearing assembly (24) out
threads. Replace if damaged beyond repair.
of pump body (26) and impeller.
(6) Press the shaft and bearing assembly (24) out of
d. Reassembly. Reassemble the water pump and
impeller (22) and pump body (26). Do not
fan assembly in reverse numerical sequence shown in
attempt to disassemble the shaft and bearing
assembly (24) as this part is one unit. Press the
seal assembly (25) out of pump body (26).
(1) Press a new seal (25) into the pump body (26).
Press only on the outer flange of the seal to
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
avoid damaging the seal.
(1) Clean all parts except shaft and bearing
(2) Coat the seal surface of the shaft with grease
and press the shaft and bearing assembly (24)
Wipe the shaft and bearing assembly
into the body (26). Press only on the outer
clean with a clean, lint-free cloth.
bearing race and not on the end of the shaft.
(3) After installing retaining ring (23), support the
pump shaft on the outer shaft end and press the
impeller (22) onto the shaft. There must be
Do not attempt to straighten badly
0.010 inch (0.254 mm) clearance between the
bent fan (3) blades. Straightening
impeller (22) and a straightedge placed across
blades may weaken them, resulting in
the rear face of the pump body (26). See figure
failure during operation.