TM 5-4310-356-14
3-9. V-Belts.
(3) Listen for excessive start-stop cycling.
a. Inspection.
(4) Listen carefully for a knock or rattle that
might indicate internal damage.
(1) Make a visual inspection of the belts to
determine their conditions.
(5) If any of the troubles listed in paragraphs
3, 4, and 5 are found, notify organizational maintenance.
(2) If the belts are bad, notify organizational
3-11. Air Intake Muffler.
b. Cleaning.
a. General. The air intake muffler is designed to
clean the air entering the first stage cylinder. Should the
operating area be exceptionally dusty, the muffler must
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680,
be serviced more frequently. A clogged intake muffler
used to clean parts is potentially
reduces the efficiency of the compressor.
dangerous to personnel and
property. Use in a well ventilated
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
area as the fumes are dangerous
if inhaled. Avoid repeated and
prolonged skin contact. Do not
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680,
use near open flame or excessive
used to clean parts is potentially
heat. Flash point of solvent is
dangerous to personnel and
100 . -138 . (38 . -59 .).
property. Use in a well ventilated
area as the fumes are dangerous
(1) Use a cloth dampened in cleaning
if inhaled. Avoid repeated and
solvent, P-D-680, to remove oil and dust from the belts.
prolonged skin contact. Do not
use near open flame or excessive
(2) If the belts have become saturated with oil
heat. Flash point of solvent is
and dirt, notify organizational maintenance.
100 . -138 . (38 . -59 .).
3-10. Air Compressor.
(1) Use a rag which has been dampened in
a. General. The compressor unit must be kept
cleaning solvent, P-D-680, to wipe off the filter muffler.
clean and lubricated at all times. If the compressor is
(2) Inspect the filter muffler for damage or
allowed to become dirty it will run hot. Excessive heat
missing parts. If damage or missing parts are found,
will consume the compressor oil. Low oil causes the
notify organizational maintenance.
rings to wear, or cylinder scoring. Therefore, frequent
inspections are necessary.
(3) Service the filter muffler as follows:
b. Inspection.
(a) Remove wingnut (1, fig. 3-4).
(1) Visually inspect relief valve signs of
(b) Remove cover lower (2).
(2) Check safety relief valve signs of leaking.