closing voltage. If the contacts still do not close at 25.5 volts turn the adjusting screw (fig. 85). Raising the
screw raises the closing voltage.
(2) Voltage regulator. Disconnect the lead from the BATTERY terminal and connect a 7-ohm resistor between
the BATTERY terminal and the regulator base (fig. 86). Connect a voltmeter across the 7-ohm resistor.
Operate the generator at medium speed, and with the regulator at operating temperature, note the voltage
setting. The voltage regulator contacts should open at 28.5 volts. The regulator cover must be, on for this
test. If the contacts do not open at the specified voltage, disconnect the regulator. Measure the air gap with
the points just touching between the center of the winding core and the armature (fig. 87). Push the
armature all the way down by hand, release until the points come together and then measure the air gap.
The air gap should be 0.075 inch. Adjust the air gap by loosening the contact mounting screws, and raising
or lowering the upper contact support as required. Tighten the screws after adjustment. Turn the adjusting
screw (fig. 88) in to increase the voltage setting or out to decrease the setting. After each change of voltage
Figure 86. Checking voltage regulator setting.