TM 5-4310-227-15
(10) Secure the support bracket (6) to the
(7) Use a blunt drift punch and a ham-
cylinder and crankcase assembly with
mer to finally position the camshaft
the two capscrews (5).
support pin, then install the two ex-
(11) Install the oil pump and the plunger
pansiom plugs (14) in the pin bores
to secure the camshaft support pin in
(12) Install the crankshaft assembly (para
(8) Install the governor yoke (8) in the
support bracket (6).
(13) I n s t a l l the governor control lever
(9) Position the governor yoke gasket
(7) cm the cylinder and crankcase as-
(14) Install the fuel strainer - to - carbure-
s e b l y ; than install the governor
yoke through the mounting recess.
Engage the curved flange of the gov-
ernor yoke with the sleeve bearing
(13) on the camshaft (12).
Section X.
vent and dry thorougly. Remove all
rust, loose paint, scale, and carbon
The cylinder and crankcase assembly is the
main structural component of the complete en-
(2) Scrape all traces of gasket material
gine. This one-piece casting houses the crank-
from the machined surfaces and in-
shaft, camshaft, connecting rods, pistons, and
spect for warpage, high-spots, nicks,
oil pump. Machined surfaces are provided for
and burrs that might interfere with
mounting the cylinder head, bearing plates,
proper fit of the attaching compo-
magneto, and engine base. Refer to TM 5-
nents and accessories.
2 8 0 5 - 2 0 3 - 1 4 for data applicable to model
(3) Inspect the cylinder and crankcase as-
sembly for cracks, breaks, and other
4-36. Cylinder and Crankcase Assembly
damage. Measure the diameter of the
cylinder bore. Replace the cylinder
a. Removal and Disassembly.
and crankcase assembly if the diame-
ter is in excess of 3.0005 inches, or if
the cylinder taper or out-of-round ex-
ceeds 0.0005 inch.
(2) Remove the governor control assem-
(4) Inspect all threaded parts for dam-
(3) Remove the magneto assembly (para
aged threads.
R e t a p all
(5) R e p a i n t as necessary.
(4) Remove the camshaft, governor, and
threaded holes
threads appear. Replace a defective
cylinder and crankcase assembly.
(5) Remove the roller bearing cup from
the cylinder and crankcase assembly
c. Reassembly and Installation.
(1) Install the camshaft, governor, and
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(2) Install the roller bearing cup in the
cylinder and crankcase assembly (para
sembly in an approved cleaning sol-