low-pressure piston. Drive out the
from the 4 connecting rod bolts (15)
piston pin and remove the connecting
Caution: Mark the connecting rod
rod from the piston.
from which the shims and caps were
removed, and reassemble the shims
and caps on the same rod. Do not in-
(16) Use a suitable bushing driver and
termix the connecting rods and caps.
drive the piston pin bushings (16 and
Remove the nut from the high-pres-
20) from the high and low-pressure
sure intake manifold and remove the
connecting rods (18 and 14).
V-belt guard bracket from the mani-
(17) Remove the intake and exhause valves
fold stud.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
secure the cylinder block to the studs
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
(6). Lift the cylinder block, with the
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
pistons and connecting rods in it, from
(2) Inspect the cylinder block for broken
cooling fins and cracks. Inspect the
Place the cylinder block on its side
cylinder bores for wear, scoring, pit-
and pull the assembled high-pressure
ting, or other damage. Replace the
piston and connecting rod from the
block if defective.
cylinder block.
(3) Measure the clearance of the piston
Remove the upper half sleeve bearing
pin to the piston bushing. Check for
proper fit. Aline or replace connect-
(18), and remove 2 connecting rod
ing rods, if necessary.
bolts (19) from the connecting rod.
(4) Place the piston rings in the cylinder
Expand the piston rings (24 and 25)
bore with the piston ring square in
on the high-pressure piston (23) and
the cylinder bore about inch from
work the rings from the ring groove
the top.
of the piston, moving the rings from
(5) If the ring gap is less than the speci-
the piston.
fied width, file across the butt ends of
Note. Mark connecting rod and piston to
the rings to increase the gap to the
assure correct relationship at reassembly.
required tolerance. If the ring gap
Remove the 2 retaining rings (21)
is greater than required, replace the
that secure the piston pin (22) in the
entire set of rings.
high-pressure piston. Drive out the
piston pin and remove the connecting
(6) Measure the ring groove in the pis-
rod (18) from the piston.
tons for wear, Replace pistons, if nec-
Pull the assembled low-pressure pis-
ton (28) and connecting rod (14)
c. Reassembly and Installation.
from the cylinder block.
(1) Install the intake and exhaust valves
Remove the upper half sleeve bearing
(13) from the connecting rod (14)
(2) If the piston pin bushings (16 and 20)
and remove the two connecting rod
were removed from the connecting
bolts (15) from the connecting rod.
rods, press the piston pin bushings in
Remove the oil slinger (7) from the
the high-pressure and low-pressure
bearing cap (6) of the low-pressure
connecting rods (18 and 14).
piston connecting rod. Expand the
piston rings (26 and 27) on the low-
(3) Position the high-pressure piston
pressure piston and work the rings
(23) on the connecting rod (18) and
from the ring groove of the piston,
start the piston pin (22 ) in the piston.
moving the rings from the piston.
Drive the pin through the bushing in
Remove the 2 retaining rings (30)
the connecting rod and lock the pin in
that secure the piston pin (29) in the