e. Installation.
Push the connecting rods and pistons
(1) Install the assembled crankshaft, gas-
up to the top of the cylinder bore.
ket, and housing in the crankcase and
secure the housing with four cap-
that secure the unloader housing (4)
screws (1).
to the crankcase.
(2) Position the pistons and connecting
rods on the crankshaft and secure with
b. Disassembly.
(2), and unloader housing (4) from
(3) Install the crankshaft flywheel (par.
the crankcase (5).
Caution: Before driving the crank-
(4) Install the side plates (par. 98).
shaft from the crankcase, be sure the
(5) Install the unloader assembly (par.
connecting rod journals are in an up-
right position.
(2) Use a suitable puller and remove the
unloader housing and ball bearing
(7) Install the release valve unloader tube
from the shaft. Remove the gasket.
(3) Press the bearing (2) from the hous-
a. Removal.
(4) Position the crankshaft (3) in a suit-
able press and remove the remaining
(1) Remove the pistons, connecting rods,
ball bearing (2) from the shaft.
(5) Remove the encased oil seal (1, fig. 25)
from the crankcase.
flat washers, and nuts that secure the
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean all parts in an approved clean-
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
move the crankcase.
(2) Inspect the crankshaft for cracks,
scores, and distortion. Measure the
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
crankshaft bearing journals for wear.
If the connecting rod journals meas-
(1) Clean the crankcase with live steam, if
available, or an approved cleaning sol-
ure 0.005 inch out-of-round, replace
the crankshaft.
vent and dry thoroughly.
(3) Inspect the ball bearings for rough,
pitted, or scored bearings. Replace a
breaks, or other defects. Replace the
defective bearing.
crankcase if defective.
c. Installation.
d. Reassembly.
(1) Install the encased oil seal (1) in the
(2) Position the crankcase (1, fig. 24) on
the air receiver tank platform (6, fig.
(2) Press the ball bearing (2, fig. 26) on
the crankshaft (3). Press the other
3) and
secure with the
four bolts,
bearing (2) in the unloader housing
(4) and press the bearing and housing
(4) Install the pistons, connecting rods,
on the shaft.
(3) Install a new gasket on the housing.