TM 5-4310-354-14
(1) Clean housings and end frames in
(2) Clean internal parts.
with clean, dry
compressed air.
(3) Inspect brushes for cracks, chips,
excessive wear, or any other defect.
(4) Inspect bearings for wear, scoring, pitting,
or any other defect.
(5) Inspect brush springs and arms for cracks,
breaks, distortion, or any other defect.
(6) Inspect commutator for rough spots,
discoloration, pitting, scoring, and high
mica. If commutator is rough, pitted, or
worn, turn commutator using a lathe.
Take light cuts until all pits are removed.
Remove all burrs by holding No. 00
sandpaper lightly against commutator
while armature is turning in lathe.
Undercut mica after turning commutator.
The mica must be undercut to a depth of
Figure 7-11. Removing retainer from snap ring.
1/32-inch and width of 1/32-inch (0.79 by
0.79 mm).
(6) Remove two ground brush screws (24,
(7) Inspect commutator for out-of-round using
a dial indicator. Out-of-round shall not
exceed 0.001 inch total indicator reading.
(25), and the four brushes (26). Remove
the two brush holder pins (27), the two
(8) Inspect armature shaft for pitting, scoring,
ground brush holders (28), and two
or excessive wear.
Inspect drive
assembly for broken teeth on pinion.
insulating brush holders (29). Remove
two brush springs (30).
Check to make certain that clutch
(7) Only when necessary to disassemble
assembly moves on shaft properly. Slide
drive assembly on armature shaft to make
support packages (36), remove four nuts
(31), lock washers (32), and screws (33).
certain that splines fit properly.
Remove two brush holder supports (34)
(9) Inspect solenoid parts. Check condition of
moving core. Check contact assembly
and two ground leads (35).
(8) Remove four pole shoe screws (37) from
and terminal studs for evidence of
starter frame (41) to remove the four pole
burning, corrosion, or excessive pitting.
(10) Inspect all other parts for cracks, breaks,
shoes (38). Remove grommet (39) and,
only as needed, field coil assembly (40)
excessive wear, damaged insulation, or
from starter frame (41).
any other defect.
(11) Inspect all attaching hardware for
d. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
damaged threads, cracks, or any other
e. Component Testing.
Do not soak or clean any insulating
(1) Armature. Check the armature for short
or electrical components such as
circuits, opens, and grounds as follows:
brushes, coils, and armature with
solvent. Do not clean overrunning
clutch and drive assembly with
solvent as this will dissolve clutch
mechanism lubricant.