TM 5-4310-354-14
between housing (121) and linkage hook
in the vise. Remove two torque screws
(43) and pry gently, sliding retainer clip
and washers (70).
Grasp the
(17) out of its groove and off of the
hydraulic head firmly with both hands and
throttle shaft.
withdraw from the housing with a slight
rotary motion being careful not to drop
(4) Disas semble screw (18), retainer (19),
weights (72).
Holding this assembly,
spring (20), lever assembly (21), and arm
invert and allow weights (72), thrust
(22). Remove screw (23) and spacer (24).
sleeve (71), and washer (73) to fall into
Withdraw throttle shaft assembly (25) and
your hand.
shutoff shaft (30) freeing lever (31) for
removal. As necessary, remove two each
(12) Place the hydraulic head assembly in a
screws (26) and nuts (27) from throttle
suitable holding fixture in a vise, holding at
shaft assembly (25). Remove two each
the governor weight retainer (101).
washers (28) and shaft seals (29).
Remove four each screws (74), lock
washers (75), and flat washers (76).
(5) Hold governor spring (34), idle spring
Disassemble end plate (77), plug
guide (35), idle spring (36), and spring
assembly (78), sleeve (79), seal (80), filter
retainer (37) firmly between thumb and
element (81), seal (82), ring (83), spring
forefinger. Remove guide stud (32) and
(84), piston (85), and seal (86). Remove
washer (33). lift out the springs, guide,
plug (87) from end plate (77) and as
and retainer (34, 35, 36, 37).
necessary rollpin (88). Remove thrust
plate (89) and seal (90).
(6) Pull linkage hook (43) back slightly,
disengage and remove spring (45) and the
(13) Disassemble transfer pump liner (91), four
linkage hook (43). Only when necessary,
pump blades (92), and two springs (93).
disassemble hook (43) by removing screw
Remove delivery valve retaining screw
(49), washer (50), and link assembly (51).
(94), lift the head and rotor assembly and
shake valve stop (95), spring (96), and
(7) Remove one pivot shaft cap nut (39) and
delivery valve (97) into your hand.
seal (40). Withdraw pivot shaft (41) from
housing (121) freeing governor arm (42).
(8) Lift out the metering valve group and
When retainers (99) are removed, the
remove spring (38) and shim (52). Only
rotor is no longer retained in the
as necessary, disassemble metering valve
head and rotor assembly (111). Do
(44) and arm assembly (46).
not allow these parts to slip apart.
Handle carefully.
(9) Remove two head locking screws (68).
With fuel injection pump still mounted in
(14) Use a small-bladed screwdriver or a dull
the fixture, invert and clamp the fixture in a
scribe to disengage and remove retaining
vise with end plate (77) facing the
ring (98). Gently lift hydraulic head so that
Remove head locating
transfer pump rotor is flush with inner face
screw assembly (47) and two seals (48).
of hydraulic head. Remove retainers (99)
Remove plug (53), seal (54), and cam
and lower hydraulic head to former
advance screw (55).
position. Remove retaining ring (100),
weight retainer assembly (101), and cam
(10) Disassemble plug (56), piston ring (57),
ring (102).
seal (58), power piston (59), and one
washer (60).
Disassemble plug (61),
(15) Before removing leaf spring (104), use a
seals (62), seals (63), inner advance
spring (64), outer advance spring (65),
to-roller dimension. Correct dimension is
shims (66), spring piston (67), and the
1.9555 to 1.9585 inches (49.6697 to
second washer (60).
49.7459 mm). Setting of this dimension is
detailed in the reassembly paragraph.
(11) Again invert the pump and holding fixture