TM 5-4310-354-14
(16) Inspect the pivot points of the governor
control arm (42) and pivot shaft (41).
Examine the control arm fork where it
Before and during assembly, refer to
contacts the thrust sleeve (71). If wear is
in excess of 0.003 inch (0.076 mm),
discard and replace.
Examine the
(1) Insert regulating piston (85) into sleeve
metering valve pin hole in the linkage
(79), hold sleeve between thumb and
hook (43), the spring retainer (19), throttle
forefinger and shake slowly. The piston
shaft lever (21), shut-off cam (31), and
(85) should slide freely by its own weight.
especially the throttle (25) and shutoff
Reassemble seal (80), filter element (81),
shaft (30) assemblies where joined, for
seal (82), ring (83), spring (84), piston
(85), and seal (86) onto sleeve (79).
(17) Check the metering valve body (44) for
Install plug (78) in sleeve (79). Hold end
wear. Be sure the metering valve arm
plate (77) horizontally and sight down inlet
(46) is well seated and that there is no
bore to make certain that the lower sleeve
radial movement of the arm on the valve.
seal will not catch or be damaged by any
Check the metering valve spring (38) for
nicks or sharp edges.
Apply a light
breakage or distortion, and the metering
coating of a mineral grease to seals (86,
valve arm pin for wear at its point of
82, 80) to aid assembly of sleeve (79).
contact with the linkage hook (43).
Carefully, using a turning motion, insert
(18) Inspect the inside diameter of the cam
the sleeve (79) into end plate (77). Install
(102) and edges of all flat surfaces. Only
pipe plug (87) and if disassembled,
the working portions of the lobes on the
reassemble rollpin (88) into end plate (77).
inside diameter are ground.
The tool
Lay this assembly aside until ready to
marks between lobes should not be
reassemble onto head and rotor assembly
considered damage. The cam finish is
mottled from heat treatment rather than
operation. If there is evidence of spalling
or flaking out, replace with new cam (102).
(19) Inspect the drive shaft (112) tang.
DO NOT HANDLE plungers (107) on
Distance across flats shall not be less
their shanks. Hold plungers on the
than 0.305 inch (7.747 mm). Check the
ends only. Do not force plungers
shaft diameter where governor thrust
into distributor rotor bores. Do not
sleeve (71) slides. The drive shaft seal
handle rotor shank.
grooves must be absolutely smooth for
seals to function properly.
(2) Hold distributor rotor under clean oil and
(20) Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks,
insert plungers (107) into their bores.
distortion, damaged threads, or any other
With thumb and forefinger over the guide
slots, tilt from side to side several times to
ensure complete freedom of movement.
d. Reassembly.
Reassemble the fuel injection
pump in the following sequence.
positions may be necessary as these are
matched parts.
(3) Flush hydraulic head and distributor rotor
(111) thoroughly in clean oil and
assemble, under oil, with a slight rotary
All parts must be thoroughly cleaned
motion. Do not force. Do not handle rotor
and flushed in clean fuel oil as
shank with fingers.
Hold fingers over
assembly progresses.
All seals,
plunger slots so that plungers do not drop
out of bores.
packing must be replaced at
(4) Place the hydraulic head and rotor
assembly, whether visibly damaged
assembly (111) in a holding fixture (figure
or not.
7-17) and assemble leaf spring (104,
clean grease on the edges of leaf spring
hole before assembling