TM 5-4310-354-14
(9) Inspect transfer pump liner (91) for ncks,
scratches, excessive wear, or any other
When removing rotor plungers (107),
(10) Inspect transfer pump blades (92) for
plungers on the ends only.
chipping of edges, pitting, imbedded
(16) Disassemble leaf spring screw (103), leaf
foreign particles, and wear on rounded
spring (104), two each cam rollers (105),
ends. Measure length for wear. Minimum
roller shoes (106), and plungers (107).
length is 1.0930-inches (27.762 mm). If
Remove seal (108), four screws (109),
defects are noted, replace the blades.
and eight washers (110) from head and
rotor assembly (111).
(11) Inspect rotor plungers (107) for free
While holding the rotor
(17) Remove drive shaft (112) and tape key
submerged in clean fuel oil, insert the
(113) in shaft keyway to prevent its loss.
plungers into their bore. Hold thumb and
Remove two each shaft seals (114) and
forefinger over the guide slots and tilt from
pilot tube seals (115).
side to side several times to ensure
(18) Remove four screws (116), two timing
Interchanging or reversing their individual
covers (117), and two gaskets (118).
position may be necessary as these are
(One cover on each side of housing
matched parts.
If the plungers were
(121).) Screws (119) and identification
sticking, but not visibly damaged, clean
plate (120) should not be removed from
both plungers and bore with a soft brush
housing (121) except for replacement.
and lacquer-removing solvent such as
lacquer thinner or acetone. (Do not force
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
plungers into their bores and do not
handle rotor shank.)
(12) Inspect the distributor rotor radii contacted
5-7.f; then, place in a
clean pan containing
by the leaf spring (104), the tang slot, and
clean diesel fuel.
the weight retainer drive on the large end
for excessive wear.
Check all slots,
(2) Discard and replace all o-rings, seals, and
charging and discharged ports for
chipping of edges or dirt, and the rotor
shank for scratches.
If damage or
(3) Inspect all springs for fretting, wear,
excessive wear is apparent, the head and
distortion, breakage, or any other defect.
rotor (111) must be replaced as a mated
(4) Inspect all bores, grooves, and seal seats
for damage, wear, or any other defect.
(13) Check each roller (105) in its shoe (106)
for freedom of rotation, and the top edge
(5) Inspect all parts for foreign material and
of each shoe, where retained by the leaf
spring (104), for chipping or excessive
wear. Improved roller surfaces will result
(6) Inspect end plate regulating piston (85) for
from long, normal operation in clean fuel
excessive wear, nicks or chipping,
freedom of movement, or any other
(14) Check leaf spring (104) for wear at points
where the spring contacts the radii on the
(7) Inspect end plate (77) for cracks,
rotor, and along the steps that retain the
excessive wear from thrust plate (89),
roller shoes.
damaged threads, or any other defect.
(15) Examine drive shaft pilot tabs in governor
weight retainer (101) hub, retainer sockets
(8) Inspect end plate inlet filter element (81)
where weights pivot, and pivot points of all
for punctures in screen, broken soldered
weights (72) for wear. If damage is noted
joint, or any other defect.
the complete retainer (101) must be
replaced as a unit.