TM 5-4310-378-14
b. Replacement. Replace defective
unloader valves as follows:
(1) Removal
Remove auto-unloader
c y l i n d e r (l), auto-unloader
piston (2), packing (3), and
s p r i n g (4). Discard packing.
( a ) Install new packing (3) on
piston (2).
( b ) Insert spring (4) and piston
(2) with packing (3) into
c y l i n d e r (l).
( c ) Install cylinder (1) into
cylinder head.
This task covers:
a. Inspection
b. Replacement
l / 2 - i n . wrench and l/2-in. socket with handle
S o l v e n t , Dry cleaning (Appendix E, item 2)
E n g i n e Assembly
Equipment Condition: