TM 5-4310-354-14
indicated and replacement of the switch is
4-69. Engine Overspeed Switch.
a. Removal. Disconnect the battery ground cable
(5) To test the switch for trip function, connect
leads from a good transmitter to the
Drive the transmitter with an
electric or air drill motor capable of
b. Testing. Off-unit testing of the overspeed switch
producing speed of at least 2250 rpm.
transmitter and overspeed switch is as follows:
When the transmitter is driven over 2250
rpm, the switch relay will open. After
(1) With transmitter removed from the engine
overspeed trip test, press reset button on
and the transmitter leads disconnected
circuit board to reset relay into closed
from the switch, using your fingers, check
(6) After testing, install overspeed switch
transmitter leads. Turn the transmitter
above), and secure with four cover
drive tip. For each revolution of the drive
c. Installation.
Install the overspeed switch
less than four on/off events, or the
transmitter shows on or off only, it is not
the battery ground cable.
functioning properly and shall be replaced.
(3) To test the overspeed switch, remove the
four cover screws, noting a green tape
which indicates cover position for
a. Removal. Disconnect the battery ground cable
The tape is an assembly
and remove the compressor oil temperature shutdown
reminder so that cover will not be
reversed; thereby, reversing terminal
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(4) Make certain that the shorting bars across
(1) Wipe the shutdown switch with a clean,
the two terminals labeled "TACH" are
dry cloth.
Apply a 12 VDC (minimum)
power source having a minimum of 400
(2) Inspect the temperature probe for
ma to power terminals, noting polarity
distortion, cracks, breaks, damaged
requirement. When power is turned on
threads, and condition of plug connectors.
the relay coil should close, actuating the
microswitch mounted under the coil arm.
c. Installation.
If the coil fails to actuate, a circuit failure is