Mount the oil cooler so that the oil pipe enters the oilway in the crankcase.
Reassembling the Cylinder Unit.
Install a circlip in the piston for the location of the piston pin (figure 5-40).
Heat piston with the piston heating device No. 003-09414 [temperature about 176°F (80°C)].
Oil the
piston pin and piston bush. Secure the opposite end of the piston pin in position. Place the piston on the
small end of the connecting rod so that the exhaust air side of the piston (marked on the piston crown) is in
the same direction as the open side of the connecting rod bearing. Force in the piston pin.
Install the second circlip in the piston for the location of the piston pin. Oil the working surface of the
cylinder and the piston. Install the piston rings so that their gaps are equally spaced around the piston.
Mount the piston ring compressor and apply tension. Position the piston so that its exhaust air side is on
that side of the cylinder recessed for the tappet covers (use piston ring compressing device No. 003-
Adhere to cylinder, by means of grease, one shim of 0.008-inch (0.2 mm).
Fit the halves of bearing shells in the correspondingly marked connecting rod and bearing cap.
Install the cylinder, piston, and connecting rod assembly so that the exhaust air side of the piston faces the
tappet bores (figure 5-41).
Figure 5-40. Fitting the Piston Pin
Figure 5-41. Installing Cylinder, Piston,
and Connecting Rod