and depot maintenance personnel. Organizational maintenance personnel should not proceed without proper authority.
49. Engine Fails to Start
Probable cause
Possible remedy
a. Lack of fuel.
Fill tank and prime carburetor.
b. Overchoking.
Let engine stand for a few minutes then
repeat starting procedure without
c. Dirt in fuel lines.
d. Fouled spark plug.
Remove, clean, adjust, and replace.
e. Water in fuel.
f. Loose wiring.
Tighten connections.
g. Defective distributor.
h. Weak batteries.
charge if necessary.
j. Leaking intake manifold
k. Leaking valves.
l. Improper ignition timing.
Check timing with timing check light
m. Improper valve timing.
50. Engine Misfires
Probable cause
Possible remedy
a. Fouled spark plug.
b. Loose wiring.
Tighten connections.
c. Defective distributor.
d. Leaking cylinder head gasket.
e. Leaking intake manifold
f. Dirt in fuel lines.
g. Water in fuel.
h. Improper fuel mixture.
i. Broken or warped valves.
j. Sticking valves.
Clean and inspect. Replace if neces-
k. Improper valve clearance.
I. Improper ignition timing.
Check timing with timing check light