TM 5-4310-368-14
Inspect battery cables for wear, damage, cut insulation or other defects. Replace defective
Remove Battery Cables
Disconnect positive battery cable at starter solenoid. Remove cable.
Disconnect ground cable at side of battery box by removing one bolt, nut and two lock washers.
Install Battery Cables
Position eyelet of positive battery cable over stud on starter relay. Secure with one nut.
Position eyelet of ground cable over bolt hole in side of battery box. Secure to battery box with one bolt,
one nut and two lock washers.
Ground cable between engine and battery box also secures to the battery box with
this same bolt.
Test Battery. Check electrolyte gravity of battery with hydrometer. Recharge if gravity is below 1.230.
Replace battery if gravity difference between cells is greater than .020.
Install Battery and Hold-Down
Position battery through drive belts.
Lower battery into battery box. Negative terminal should be closest to outside of frame.
Install and secure battery hold-down.
Connect and secure positive battery cable.
Connect and secure negative cable.
Position battery box cover over battery box.
Align bolt holes in cover with bolt holes in frame.
Secure battery box cover to frame with two existing and four loose bolts.
Install drive belts if removed.