Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION -502410010Section II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION -502410011Figure 1-1. Air Compressor Model KA15-03-P, Right Rear, Three-Quarter ViewFigure 1-2. Air Compressor Model KA15-03-P, Left Front, Three-Quarter ViewFigure 1-3. Major Compressor ComponentsEQUIPMENT DATA -502410015MANUFACTURER'S DATAMANUFACTURER'S DATA (Continued)COMPRESSOR SPECIFICATIONSMANUFACTURERS' DATA (Continued)Section III. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION -502410020Figure 1-5. Power SystemFigure 1-6. Heating SystemINSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLSFigure 1-8. Valves and Heater ControlsFigure 1-9. Control SwitchesFigure 1-10. Air Filter Indicator and Hose Quick DisconnectFigure 1-11. Exterior ViewsFigure 1-12. Parking Brake OperationFigure 1-13. Pneumatic DiagramFigure 1-14. Electrical DiagramChapter 2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS -502410031Table 2-1. Operator Controls and Indicators on the Instrument PanelTable 2-1. Operator Controls and Indicators on the Instrument Panel (Continued)Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA -502410034Table 2-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and SystemsTable 2-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Systems (Continued) -502410036Table 2-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Systems (Continued) -502410037Table 2-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Systems (Continued) -502410038Table 2-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Systems (Continued) -502410039Section III. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS -502410040OPERATING PROCEDURE -502410041OPERATING PROCEDURE (continued)PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT -502410043Figure 2-4. Operating Instructions PlateSection IV. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS -502410045FORDINGChapter 3. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS -502410047Table 3-1. Lubrication PointsTable 3-1. Lubrication Points (continued)Section II. TROUBLESHOOTING -502410050Table 3-2. Troubleshooting Chart for the OperatorTable 3-2. Troubleshooting Chart for the Operator (Continued) -502410052Table 3-2. Troubleshooting Chart for the Operator (Continued) -502410053Table 3-2. Troubleshooting Chart for the Operator (Continued) -502410054Section III. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES -502410055ENCLOSURE DOORS, LATCHES AND TOOL BOXFigure 3-1. Alternator and Belt DriveFigure 3-2. Starter AssemblyFigure 3-3. Engine Fuel PumpENGINE CRANKCASE BREATHERENGINE OIL LEVEL DIPSTICKFigure 3-5. Air Cleaner IndicatorOIL LINES AND FITTINGSFigure 3-7. Instruments and ControlsENGINE AND COMPRESSOR OIL DRAINS -502410065AIR PRESSURE GAGESMASTER SWITCHAXLEChapter 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE -502410069DESCRIPTION -502410070Figure 4-2. Instrument PanelSection II. REPAIR PARTS AND TOOLSSection III. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF EQUIPMENT -502410073Section IV. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES -502410074Section V. TROUBLESHOOTING -502410075Table 4-2. Troubleshooting for Organizational Maintenance LevelTable 4-2. Troubleshooting for Organizational Maintenance Level (Continued) -502410077Table 4-2. Troubleshooting for Organizational Maintenance Level (Continued) -502410078Section VI. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 4-3. Exhaust MufflerSERVICE HOSEROOF PANELENCLOSURE SIDE ACCESS PANELDOORS AND LATCHESTOOL BOXEND PANELS AND SIDE PANELFUEL LINES, HOSES AND FITTINGSFRAME UN DERPANELSTARTER ASSEMBLYFigure 4-4. Starter AssemblyENGINE ASSEMBLY, OPERATIONAL TESTCOMPRESSOR DRIVE BELTMAGNETO -502410093CARBURETOR -502410094Figure 4-5. Magneto TimingFUEL PUMP -502410096GOVERNOR -502410097INTAKE AND EXHAUST MANIFOLDINTAKE AND EXHAUST MANIFOLD (continued)CRANKCASE BREATHERSPARK PLUGS AND CABLESAIR CLEANER ASSEMBLY -502410102CLUTCH AND HOUSINGCLUTCH AND HOUSING (continued) -502410104CLUTCH AND HOUSING (continued) -502410105Figure 4-7. Clutch AdjustmentCLUTCH AND HOUSING (continued) -502410107AIR COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY -502410108CONDENSATE DRAIN/ UNLOADER VALVEDEHYDRATORS4TH STAGE SEPARATORAIR RECEIVER -502410112INSTRUMENT PANEL -502410113MANUAL SWITCHES -502410114AIR CLEANER RESTRICTION INDICATORAMMETERVIBRATION MOUNTSWIRE HARNESSENGINE AND COMPRESSOR OIL DRAINS -502410119FUEL FILLER CAPBATTERY, BATTERY HOLD-DOWN AND BATTERY CABLESINITIAL SETUP -502410122INITIAL SETUP (continued) -502410123WHEEL AND TIRE ASSEMBLY -502410124BRAKE ASSEMBLYBRAKE ASSEMBLY (cotinued)WHEEL HUB AND BRAKE DRUM, WHEEL BEARINGS AND SEALSWHEEL HUB AND BRAKE DRUM, WHEEL BEARINGS AND SEALS (continued)FRAME ASSEMBLY -502410129Section VII. PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENT -502410130RAIL TIEDOWNChapter 5. DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCEFigure 5-1. Enclosure Roof -502410133Figure 5-1. Enclosure Roof -502410134COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLY -502410135Figure 5-6. Air Cleaner TubeFigure 5-8. Compressor Oil DrainAXLE ASSEMBLY -502410138Figure 5-11. Lifting RingFigure 5-14. Axle AssemblyFUEL TANK -502410141Section III. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFigure 5-15. Air Lines, Hoses and FittingsALTERNATORFigure 5-16. Alternator AssemblyENGINE STARTERFigure 5-17. Engine StarterInspection -502410148MAGNETO -502410149Figure 5-18. Contact Point GapFigure 5-19. MagnetoGeneral Safety Precautions -502410152CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENTFigure 5-20. Carburetor AdjustmentsFigure 5-21. Carburetor AssemblyFUEL PUMP -502410156Figure 5-22. Fuel Pump AssemblyENGINE GOVERNORFigure 5-23. Engine GovernorGeneral Safety Precautions -502410160ENGINE FLYWHEEL -502410161Figure 5-24. Engine FlywheelTIMING COVERCOMPRESSOR OIL FILTERFigure 5-25. Compressor Oil FilterCONDENSATE DRAIN/UNLOADER VALVEFigure 5-26. Dehydrator PartsFigure 5-28. Dehydrator AssemblyINITIAL SETUP -5024101694TH STAGE OIL/MOISTURE SEPARATORFigure 5-29. 4th Stage Oil/Moisture SeparatorINITIAL SETUP -502410172INITIAL SETUP (Continued) -502410173AIR RECEIVER -502410174AIR RECEIVER (Continued)INSTRUMENT PANEL ASSEMBLYFigure 5-31. Pressure SwitchesAIR AND OIL PRESSURE GAGESMANUAL SWITCHES -502410179FRAME -502410180COMPARTMENT HEATERCOMPARTMENT HEATER (continued) -502410182COMPARTMENT HEATER (continued) -502410183Chapter 6. GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS -502410184Figure 6-1. Enclosure RoofDISASSEMBLY -502410186Figure 6-4. CablesFigure 6-7. Starter AssemblyFigure 6-9. Magneto AssemblyFigure 6-11. Crankshaft AssemblyAir ShroudingFigure 6-12. ShroudsFigure 6-13. Cylinder AssemblyFigure 6-14. Gear CoversFigure 6-15. Idler Gear AssemblyFigure 6-17. Oil Pump AssemblyFigure 6-18. Pistons and Connecting RodsFigure 6-19. Cylinder BlockFigure 6-21. CrankshaftCLEANING -502410200REPAIR AND REPLACEMENTCamshaft and Tappets -502410202Pistons, Piston Rings and Connecting RodsFigure 6-25. Pistons, Piston Rings, and Connecting RodsFigure 6-26. Top of PistonFigure 6-28. Rod Sheel Bearing HalvesFigure 6-30. Head Pipe PlugOil PanFigure 6-31. Idle Gear and ShaftFigure 6-32. Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening SequenceManifolds and CarburetorFigure 6-33. Magneto InstalledFigure 6-34. Clutch AssemblyFigure 6-36. PTO ShaftINSTALLATION -502410215Section IV. COMPRESSOR ASSEMBLYFigure 6-42. Table of LimitsFigure 6-42. Table of Limits (Continued)Figure 6-38. Compressor Oil DrainFigure 6-40. Drive BeltsFigure 6-43. Spring DataFigure 6-44. Work Sequence PlanA40/42 1ST TO 2ND STAGE INTERSTAGE FILTERA40/42/43 3RD TO 4TH STAGE INTERSTAGE FILTERFigure 6-45. Interstag Filter AssembliesFigure 6-47. Compressor Crankcase AssemblyFigure 6-48. Flywheel and CoolerA02 1ST STAGE VALVE HEADFigure 6-50. Valve Heads, 2nd thru 4th StageA14 3RD STAGE VALVE HEADA17 3RD STAGE INLET VALVEA33 OIL PRESSURE REGULATING VALVEFigure 6-51. Pistons and CylindersA25 4TH STAGE CYLINDERA24 4TH STAGE FLOATING PISTON WITH PISTON SLEEVEA38 1ST TO 2ND, 2ND TO 3RD AND 3RD TO 4TH STAGE INTERCOOLERSA44 OIL FILTERFigure 6-52. Crankcase, LowerA47 ECCENTRIC SHAFTFigure 6-53. Connecting Rods, CrankcaseA29/30/31/32 2ND, 1ST, 4TH AND 3RD STAGE CONNECTING RODSCOMPRESSOR BLOCK ASSEMBLYFigure 6-54. Work Sequence Plan (Compressor Block Assembly)A50 OIL PUMPA28 COUNTERWEIGHTFigure 6-55. Connecting Rod TolerancesA46 OIL PUMP DRIVEA12 PISTON RINGS, 2ND STAGEA16 PISTON, 3RD STAGEA15 CYLINDER, 3RD STAGEA20 INLET VALVE, 4TH STAGEA07 DISCHARGE VALVE, 1ST STAGEA08 VALVE HEAD, 2ND STAGEA44 OIL FILLERA37 AFTERCOOLERA42/40 INTERFILTER 1ST TO 2ND STAGESection V. SATELLITE EQUIPMENTFigure 6-57. Air ReceiverSERVICE AIR HOSEFRAME -502410260Appendix A. REFERENCES -502410261Appendix B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART -502410262EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC, SECTION II -502410263EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS -502410264SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART -502410265MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (Continued) -502410267MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (Continued) -502410268MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (Continued) -502410269MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (Continued) -502410270MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (Continued) -502410271MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (Continued) -502410272Section III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS -502410273Appendix C. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTS -502410274Section II. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM -502410275Appendix D. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST -502410276Appendix E. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST -502410277Appendix F. ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMSGLOSSARY -502410279GLOSSARY (continued) -502410280GLOSSARY (continued) -502410281GLOSSARY (continued) -502410282TM-5-4310-368-14 Compressor Air Reciprocating Gasoline Engine Driven 15 SCFM 3500 PSI Wheel Mounted Winterized (Bauer Compressor Model KA15-03-PJ) Manual